Smoking Ads Still Aimed at Kids

GO TO SOURCE BOSTON, USA, Aug. 15, 2001: The multibillion-dollar 1998 national tobacco pact has failed to turn back a torrent of cigarette advertising placed in magazines and aimed at children, a study concluded. “What surprises me is the sheer gall of the tobacco industry in general: their willingness to continue to find ways to get around the very agreement…

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New York Times Article on Child Sex Selection

GO TO SOURCE NEW JERSEY, August 15, 2001: This major article in the New York Times reports that in recent editions of India Abroad, a weekly newspaper for Indian expatriates in the United States and Canada, advertisements have run soliciting customers for doctors who will tell the parents the gender of their unborn baby. The objective is to insure a…

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Hong Kong Monastery Economic Downturn’s Latest Victim

Source: Straits Times HONGKONG, Aug 16, 2001: Even monks have been hit by the economic slowdown. A dwindling number of tourists has thrust Hongkong’s biggest Buddhist monastery into the red, forcing it to ponder cost-cutting measures such as voluntary retirement. Showing it is not immune to the financial troubles hitting many Hongkong businesses, officials at Po Lin Monastery said yesterday…

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MacDonald’s Says It Will List More Ingredients of Its Food

Source: Religion News Service USA, August 14, 2001: More than three months after Hindu and non-Hindu vegetarians sued McDonald’s USA, claiming the company failed to disclose that its french fries contained beef, the fast-food corporation announced it would provide more ingredient information to customers. In an Aug. 13 press release, the chain said the company’s Web site,, now includes…

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Legislation to Prevent Violence Against Women

Source: Kashmir Times NEW DELHI, INDIA, Aug 14 , 2001: There is a proposal to enact the legislation to prevent domestic violence against women, human resource development Murli Manohar Joshi told the Lok Sabha. It is based on the recommendations of the National Commission for Women. The government proposes to set up a Bharat Siksha Kosh to receive contributions and…

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Newspaper Solicits Views on Cloning From Spiritual Leaders

Source: Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, August 10, 2001: Deciding that the act of human cloning will be treated as a felony with violators receiving up to ten years in prison, the U.S. House of Representatives has received varying opinions from the public. Other countries have not followed suit to date, and as a result an Italian doctor and…

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British Priests Run Same High Risk of Attack as Policemen

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, UK, Aug 15, 2001: Being a priest may be the most dangerous profession in Britain, according to the first survey of its kind compiled for the Home Office. Nearly three-quarters of priests in the south-east of England who responded to a questionnaire said they had been abused or assaulted in the past two years. One in…

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New Fuel-Saving Lantern Developed

GO TO SOURCE MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, Aug, 13, 2001: An improved kerosene lantern called “Noorie” has been designed and developed by Anil K. Rajvanshi and Sudhir Kumar of the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute in, Maharashtra, India, but is getting little recognition. It is a pressurized mantle lantern producing a light equivalent to a 100-watt bulb and can run on diesel, ethyl…

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Smugglers Plunder Old Rajasthan Fort

GO TO SOURCE MASALPUR, RAJASTHAN, INDIA, August 12, 2001: Near the Rajasthan-Madhya Pradesh border in Masalpur is the fort of Timangarh, which has often been the site of much antique smuggling. “We have seen the helicopters landing near the Timangarh fort so many times. We can identify the noise of a helicopter even in our sleep,” says villager Anant Ram…

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Temple Accused of Mistreatment of Mentally Ill

GO TO SOURCE INDIA, August 10, 2001: A temple in Rajasthan puts the mentally ill through unspeakable rituals in the quest for a cure, a newspaper reported on Friday. At the Mehendipur Balaji Temple, 100 km from Jaipur, the victims are forced to inhale the fumes of burning dung cakes, bathe in and drink water from a filthy water tank,…

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