Bradford Racial Tensions Addressed in Lord Ouseley’s Report

GO TO SOURCE BRADFORD, UNITED KINGDOM, July 13, 2001: A report issued by Lord Ouseley and eleven other panelists reflects the stark reality of the Bradford community in the U.K. In a community where multicultural diversity should be creating a sense of mutual respect and tolerance, exactly the opposite is happening. Differences have resulted in intolerance, fear of gang culture…

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School in Bradford Teaches Tolerance

GO TO SOURCE BRADFORD, UK, July 21, 2001: Following criticism of Bradford’s “ethnically segregated” schools in the city’s race review, Rhodesway school in Bradford could be a prototype for the sort of multiculturally tolerant school Herman Ouseley wants to see more of in the city. Ouseley’s report said the fact that so many Bradford schools were overwhelming white or Asian…

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Ayodhya Exhibition Now Open in Delhi

Source: Asian Age NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 20, 2001: After eight long years, the Sahmat exhibition Hum Sab Ayodhya can now be displayed to the public. Extolling the evolution of Ayodhya, the public showing was originally put together by distinguished historians Mr. K.N. Panikkar, Irfan Habib, and Ravinder Kumar. Shortly after launching in 1993, the exhibition was banned by the…

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Five Hindu Pilgrims Among Twelve Killed in Amarnath Blast

GO TO SOURCE SRINAGAR, INDIA, July 21, 2001: Twelve people were killed in a big explosion near Sheshnag, 28 kilometers from southern Kashmir, on the heavily guarded route to the pilgrimage cave at Amarnath, victims of an attack by suspected Muslim separatist guerrillas. Among those killed were two police officers. The other casualties were a militant, three civilians and five…

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Parsis Turn to Solar Power to Dispose of Their Dead

GO TO SOURCE BOMBAY, INDIA, JULY 18, 2001: The Parsi community of Bombay — who leave their dead out in the open to be consumed by vultures — have turned to science to aid them in their centuries-old ritual. The Bombay Parsi council has installed giant solar reflectors to speed-up the process of decomposition of corpses because there are not…

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India Nationalists Denounce President Bush’s Cat

GO TO SOURCE BOMBAY, INDIA, July 19, 2001: Nationalists protested in front of the U.S. Consulate here Thursday, saying the name of President Bush’s cat — “India” — was an insult and should be removed from the White House Web site. “Mr. President, don’t make a mistake. Indians are lions not cats,” read posters held up by some of the…

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Last Chance for Meat and Drink Before Shravan Observances

GO TO SOURCE MUMBAI, INDIA, July 21, 2001: Yesterday was the last night of indulgence for meat-eaters as the one-month period of abstinence begins today with the onset of the month of Shravan. And indulge they did, according to this report in the Chalo Mumbai news web site. Manjunath Shetty, owner of Ashoka Restaurant & Bar in Dadar, said, “Business…

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Americans Divided Over Whether Pets Get Heavenly Pass

Source: Religion News Service WASHINGTON, D.C., July 20, 2001: Will the family dog have a heavenly home or be shut out from the streets paved with gold? Americans are split on whether pets will gain entrance to heaven when they die, a new ABC News/Beliefnet poll shows. Forty-three percent think pets will go to heaven while 40 percent think heaven…

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Nepal to Amend Women’s Property Rights

GO TO SOURCE KATHMANDU, NEPAL, July 17, 2001: Nepal’s parliamentary Law and Justice Committee today approved the most controversial clause in the bill proposing an 11th amendment to the Muluki Ain, or civil code, that would now allow women to retain parental property even after marriage. The change is taking place after extensive research in all areas of the country…

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