Christian Evangelists Pray For India

GO TO SOURCE CANADA, July 5, 2001: The Christian “Voice of the Martyrs” issued the following “Persecution and Prayer Alert” for India today: “As numbers of lower caste Indians embrace Christ, and in the face of the increasingly violence against Christians in India at the hands of Hindu militants, Dr. Joseph D’Souza, President of the All India Christian Council, is…

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Survey Reveals Surge in Muslim Worshipers

GO TO SOURCE INDIANAPOLIS, USA, July 5, 2001: Mosques in America are generally places with a growing community of believers that have a vital spiritual life and offer social services to the faithful, says Ihsan Bagby, the leader of the first comprehensive survey of Islam in the United States. Bagby of Shaw University in Raleigh, N.C., led a project in…

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American Press Loves Mata Amritanandamayi

GO TO SOURCE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, June 29, 2001: Mata Amritanandamayi has changed a lot of people’s lives for the better, but her greatest miracle in America may have been melting the hearts of one mainstream journalist after another across the country. Reverential articles have appeared about her in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times.…

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TV Station Takes Temples Live India-Wide

GO TO SOURCE MUMBAI, INDIA, July 3, 2001: Sanskar TV is India’s first 24-hour channel to cover Indian culture, heritage and traditions. A press release from Sanskar says they devote 80% of the channel time to video of temple worship and devotional singing and music. They announced today that for the next month, beginning July 5, they will have air…

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Scientist in Britain Collects Data to Confirm Near Death Experience

Source: Reuters LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, June 28, 2001: Doctor Sam Parnia of Southampton General Hospital in England, published the results of his study of 63 heart attack patients who were declared clinically dead but later revived in the February issue of the journal Resuscitation. This study has revitalized the age-old question as to whether there is life after death and…

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Nun Fined For Torturing Girl

GO TO SOURCE KOLKATA, INDIA, JULY 01, 2001: A nun from the order founded by Mother Teresa was fined by a court for torturing a 12-year-old girl. Sister Francisca, 70, from the Missionaries of Charity order, admitted to the court in Kolkata on Saturday that she had put a hot knife on the girl’s hand because the girl stole a…

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Site of Nepal’s Palace Massacre to be Demolished

GO TO SOURCE KATHMANDU, NEPAL, July 2, 2001: The building at the Narayanhity Royal Palace in Kathmandu, the site of the June one massacre, is to be demolished, a newspaper reported on Monday. Nepalese Queen Mother Ratna has ordered the building be demolished as it constantly reminds her of the horrendous event, the Naya Sadak newspaper wrote. The building was…

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Yoga On The Beach

Source: Miami Herald MIAMI, FLORIDA, June 30, 2001: Since 1996, Peter Rickman has been sharing the grace and joy of yoga on a strip of sand behind his Millionaire’s row condo off Collins Ave. He has studied yoga in New York and India for more than 25 years. Classes are held amid sunsets and star-lit nights in the winter, and…

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Now Science Says Prayer Heals

GO TO SOURCE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, June 30, 2001: Dr. Larry Dossey revealed the results of a second phase study at Duke University on the power of prayer. The MANTRA project at Duke is headed up by cardiologist Dr. Mitchell Krucoff and nurse practitioner, Susan Craven. The results show that heart patients who receive prayer have 50 percent to 100 percent…

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America’s 20-Somethings Hit By “Quarterlife Crisis”

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON, USA, June 29, 2001: An epidemic is sweeping across America with people in their 20s divorcing, giving up high-paid jobs to ‘find’ themselves, suddenly doubting the path they have taken in life, according to some experts. Intense self doubt is driving them to give up families and jobs in a quest for fulfillment and connectedness, says…

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