Asian Immigrants Flourish in America

GO TO SOURCE CALIFORNIA, U.S. May 29, 2001: All across the United States from coast to coast and from North to South, the story is the same, the Asian Immigrant population has doubled in America since 1990. The following data from the U.S. Census Bureau was released this week and focused specifically on the Asian population in various states. Leading…

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Prison Inmates Turn to Buddhist Meditation

Source: New York Times TORMVILLE, NEW YORK, MAY 30, 2001: Buddhist meditative practices have begun to take root inside the nation’s prison system. Some organizations, beginning with Zen Mountain Monastery, have moved to help. Deep inside the Green Haven Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison that houses 2,000 men, the Lotus Flower Sangha meets weekly. The group gathers with a monk,…

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Yahoo Needs Some Hindu Experts

GO TO SOURCE CALIFORNIA, June 3, 2001: Hindus might want to check out “source” for a Yahoo page dedicated to questions about Hinduism. The site is needing “experts” to provide answers to questions such as, “Why Hindu religion only exist in India? Like Islam and Christians are all over the globe?”

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Correction: South Africa’s Tamil Eisteddfod

GO TO SOURCE HPI, June 3, 2001: The Tamil Eisteddfod in Laudium, Johannesburg, was conducted in the Tamil language, not in the Afrikaans language as some readers thought. Our report only intended to identify the single word “eisteddfod” as Afrikaans for “festival,” and not to indicate the entire event was in Afrikaans

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Nepal’s King and Queen Slain in Palace Shooting

GO TO SOURCE KATMANDU, NEPAL, June 1, 2001: Nepal’s crown prince opened fire in the royal palace of this tiny Himalayan nation on Friday, killing the king, queen, his brother and sister before turning the gun on himself, a senior military official said. Four others died in the shooting, which apparently stemmed from a dispute over his choice of a…

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South Africa’s Tamil Eisteddfod a Success.

GO TO SOURCE LAUDIUM, JOHANNESBURG, May 30, 2001: Almost 400 Tamil children from all across the Gauteng province of South Africa attended an annual children’s eisteddfod, “cultural festival” in Afrikaans, hosted by the Gauteng Tamil Federation at the mainly Indian area of Laudium. Students were from various Tamil schools run as community service by the body. “This is a record,”…

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Shankaracharya Invited to China

GO TO SOURCE BEIJING, CHINA, May 24, 2001: The Shankaracharya of Kanchi Peetham in Tamil Nadu, India, received an official invitation from the Chinese government’s Association of International Friendly Contact to visit in October this year. The details of Jayendra Saraswati’s visit are being worked out. In his seven-day tour, the Paramacharya will meet President Li Peng and other top…

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No More Easter Holiday In U.K.

GO TO SOURCE UNITED KINGDOM, May 27, 2001: Schools are to be told to scrap Easter holidays and replace them with a non-religious “spring break.” Despite objections from Christian pressure groups, supporters of the proposals say a specific Easter holiday is incompatible with a modern school system because it is on a different date each year. Moving to a fixed…

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No Schooling for 59 Million Indian Children

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, MAY 27, 2001: According to a report on the state of children in India, almost 59 million children in India under the age of 14 years are not attending school. The report was prepared as a follow-up to the World Summit for Children 2000, and notes the progress made at the end of the…

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New Construction for Australia’s Oldest Hindu Temple

GO TO SOURCE SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, MAY 29, 2001: Construction has begun on a new temple building for Australia’s first Hindu temple, Sri Mandir, located in the western suburb of Auburn. Approximately half of the estimated US$256,000 construction costs had been raised before the groundbreaking ceremony last Sunday. The temple will have Radha and Krishna as the presiding deities. Seven other…

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