Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan Targeted for Christian Conversion

GO TO SOURCE BHUTAN, May 30, 2001: Nestled in the Himalayan Mountains between Tibet, China and India, the tiny nation of Bhutan prides itself as being the only Buddhist kingdom in the world, where a tough stance is taken to keep Christian conversion tactics at bay. The native people, known as Drupka, make up a majority of Bhutan’s approximately 600,000…

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The Evolution of the Indian Immigrant in America

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON,D.C., May 27, 2001: Over forty years ago, the first influx of Indian Asian immigrants arrived in America. As students and professionals, they paved the way for Indian immigrants to become one of the highest-paid immigrant groups. These hard-working and persevering forefathers also suffered cultural shock, from the unavailability of their favorite curries and spices to no…

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Russia Condemns Taliban’s Newest Decree

GO TO SOURCE MOSCOW, RUSSIA, May 25, 2001: In a statement issued by the Russian foreign ministry, Russia strongly condemns the Taliban militia’s decree to impose a dress code on Afghanistan’s Hindu and Sikh minorities. The decree is forcing non-Muslim minorities, particularly Hindus and Sikhs, to wear identity labels and prohibits them from living in the same house occupied by…

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Jews in American Sympathize with Hindus in Afghanistan

GO TO SOURCE NEW YORK, May 25, 2001: Jews in America are outraged at the similarity between the Taliban action and the yellow star with the word “Jude,” that they were coerced into wearing when the Nazis came into power. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League in New York called the order, “a stark reminder of the exclusionary tactics employed by the…

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Vedic Sciences to be Revived on Indian University Campus

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 26, 2001: With the word “Yoga” and “expanding consciousness” everyday household words in America, India has taken on the task of restoring the ancient sciences in its colleges and universities. The University Grants Commission, responsible for much funding, is reviving courses on Vedic Astrology and Priestly Rituals, as well as establishing a new…

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Delhi Students Flock to Temples During Exams

Source: Hindustan Times NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 1, 2001: Delhi’s temples have noticed an influx of well-dressed students offering prayers for success in their examples. In this curious article, the practice is referred to as a “phobia,” and a Marxist professor is approvingly quoted as saying, “irrationality is making a comeback.” The article also mentions that many student rooms sport…

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Appeals For Calm After UK Riots

GO TO SOURCE OLDHAM, U.K., May 26, 2001: Community leaders have appealed for calm after hundreds of Asian youths clashed with police during a night of rioting in Oldham. At least 20 officers were injured and 17 people arrested after weeks of racial tension between white and Asian youths erupted into violence. Greater Manchester Police described the running battles as…

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Jain Prayer At U.S. House Of Representatives

GO TO SOURCE Washington D.C., May 23, 2001: Nearly 200 Jains from across the United States were on hand to hear Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji, a Jain priest from New York, deliver the opening prayer to the US House of Representatives. Chitrabhanuji spent 28 years as a Jain monk. During his years in India, he founded the Divine Knowledge Society and…

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Voters Give Overwhelming ‘Yes’ To New City

GO TO SOURCE FAIRFIELD, IOWA, May 23, 2001: Located north of Fairfield, Vedic City will become Iowa’s 950th city, its first since 1982 and the first city in the United States to be developed according to the architectural principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. Residents of the area, mostly adherents of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, voted 64-1 in favor.Vedic City petitioners estimated…

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U.S. Congressional Pressure on Bush to Go After Taliban

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON, U.S.A., May 25, 2001: Congressional pressure on the Bush administration to go after Afghanistan’s Taliban regime for a plethora of human rights violations and its sponsorship of international terrorism has mounted. Sam Brownback, Republican, who chairs the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on South Asia, and Barbara Boxer, Democrat who is a ranking member of the Foreign Relations…

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