Meat and Agriculture Are Worse for the Climate than Power Generation, Steven Chu Says

Source UNITED STATES, April 13, 2019 (Forbes): The world has focused first on energy in its effort to stop greenhouse gas emissions, but former Energy Secretary Steven Chu puts agriculture at the top of his list of climate challenges–particularly animal agriculture. The Nobel Prize winning physicist surveyed the world’s carbon-polluting industries in a lecture at the University of Chicago, and…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Can he rectify false weight whose own scales are uncertain? Can you enlighten your neighbor while you yourself have no light? — Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), 19th-century mystic and guru to Swami Vivekananda

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Daily Inspiration

Source Stop identifying with the world created by your mind and a new world will open up before you. — Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, spiritual leader, guru, humanitarian of Kerala

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The Latest in Military Strategy: Mindfulness

Source UNITED STATES, April 5, 2019 (New York Times): Mindfulness — the practice of using breathing techniques, similar to those in meditation, to gain focus and reduce distraction — is inching into the military in the United States and those of a handful of other nations. This winter, Army infantry soldiers at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii began using mindfulness to…

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Rajiv Malhotra: “Hindu Music Compromised”

Source BENGALURU, INDIA, April 8, 2019: Excellent video of Rajiv Malhotra’s keynote address to a conference organized by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bengaluru and IGNCA Regional Centre, Bengaluru. We suggest started at about 2:50 where he discusses “the general problem of colonization.” YouTube description: “Hindu performing arts are facing extinction due to rapid distortion in the name of modernization into Christian,…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Even in rags I am a God, fallen I am divine, high I triumph when down-trod, long I live when slain! — Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), Indian philosopher and poet

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Bodhinathaswami Visits Maviddapuram Temple, Sri Lanka

Source JAFFNA, SRI LANKA, March 24, 2019 (Asian Tribune): His Holiness Bodhinatha Veylanswami, 163rd Head of the Nandinatha Sampradaya’s Kailasa Paramparaand Guru at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery – a sprawling 382-acre temple-monastery complex on Hawaii’s Garden Island, was last Friday at Maviddapuram Kandaswamy Kovil, with a busload of his disciples and devotees from America to participate in the special puja held…

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