Abortion in India is Tipping Scales Sharply Against Girls

GO TO SOURCE AFFARPUR, INDIA, April 21, 2001: Though India outlawed sex-determination tests in a weakly enforced law in 1994, their use has spread to small towns served by itinerant doctors who carry an ultrasound machines from clinic to clinic. Here in the northern state of Punjab, Gurjit Kaur, 22, said she paid 500 rupees, US$10.87, for an ultrasound test…

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Racial Tensions in Bradford

Source: The Times BRADFORD, ENGLAND, April 20, 2001: West Yorkshire County and downtown Bradford was scene to a small riot fuelled by drunken whites who ignited the tensions between Hindus and Muslims. Apparently, a Hindu engagement party was rudely interrupted with racial slurs from a group of whites. When the trouble spilled out into the street, Muslims owning a nearby…

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Paris Hosts Indian Festival

GO TO SOURCE PARIS, FRANCE, April 21, 2001: With a mission to expose the people of France to Indian culture, Anne Klasen, a French author, has organized her third Indian festival. Fascinated with Indian people and culture, Klasen has made annual visits to India since 1960. It is this love of India that has given the fire necessary to organize…

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Impressed by the Kumbha Mela, Israelis Organize Boombamela

GO TO SOURCE ASHKELON, ISRAEL, April 22, 2001: Over 30,000 Israelis gathered last week for four days at Nitzanim beach on the Mediterranean to celebrate “Boombamela,” a festival modeled loosely on the Kumbha Mela. As well, it appears to have a connection with dance “raves.” The organizers said they were inspired by Kumbha Mela and started the event in Israel…

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Did Scientists C.V. Raman Consult Astrology?

Source: The Hindu BANGALORE, INDIA, April 19, 2001: An on-going debate over making Vedic astrology a university subject in India has taken a new twist. The University Grants Commission’s (UGC) Chairman, Mr. Hari Gautam, defended the proposal by saying that “the Nobel laureate, Sir C.V. Raman, had called astrology a science.” Prof. S. Ramaseshan, renowned physicist and Sir Raman’s nephew,…

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Converted Catholic Priests Speaks Out

Source: Rediff on the Net VARNASI, INDIA, April 17, 2001: More information has become available on the Catholic priest, Father Anthony Fernandes, who converted to Hinduism here on Tuesday. The Jesuit priest was converted at a public ceremony at Ram Krishna Temple in the ancient Hindu city. “Today is a day of great joy for me, as I am no…

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UK Bans Human Cloning

GO TO SOURCE BRITAIN, UK, April 19, 2001: Britain announced on Thursday that the government is bringing forward legislation to outlaw human cloning within months. Currently, cloning work is restricted to scientists granted licenses. Health Secretary Alan Milburn said that the only way to ensure human cloning never takes place is to ban reproductive human cloning by law. While agreeing…

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Private Temple Opposed in South Africa

GO TO SOURCE DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, April 16, 2001: Striving to fulfill his religious duty with meditation and prayer, a wealthy South African Indian gentleman has chosen to build a temple on his property exclusively for family use. The plans for the structure were approved by the municipality and construction was well on its way. Fearing that the temple would…

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BJP Focus on Sri Lankan Issue

GO TO SOURCE CHENNAI, INDIA, April 17, 2001: Till such a peaceful settlement is arrived at and the Island Tamils are able to return to Sri Lanka, the BJP will continue to urge the Union Government to intervene in the Sri Lankan issue for a solution that is acceptable to all Sri Lankan Tamils and will ensure peace in the…

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