Shrines Shine, Gold Glistens as Utah Hindus Bring Spirit of India

Source UTAH, USA, April 2, 2019 (Salt Lake Tribune, by Peggy Fletcher Stack): In a land of fast food restaurants, strip malls and car washes, the new tower of the Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple suggests a world apart. The gleaming tiers of the 34-foot spire, bedecked with sculpted figures and gold cones, hint at what will greet visitors inside the…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Many Western ideals and goals are based on the underlying attitude that there is only one life–so we had better do everything we can in this life. We had better achieve God Realization in this life, just in case. The Hindu attitude, based on the confidence that we have many lives, is: “I know I’m coming back; no rush.…

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Eye-Catching Indians Temple in South Iran

Source BANDAR ABBAS, IRAN, March 20, 2019 (Mehr News Agency): Located near the center of Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province, this Hindu Temple is one of the historical monuments built in 1892 through the offers of Indian merchants. The design of this temple is completely inspired by Indian architecture and is clearly distinguishable from other buildings of the city. Beautiful slide-show…

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Top Five Places in India Where Holi Is Gloriously Celebrated

Source INDIA, March 18, 2019 (India): Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival celebrated throughout India in the month of March. It is a celebration of good over evil, and the onset of summer all rolled into one. Legend goes that Holi also celebrates the immortal love of Krishna and Radha. People play with colors and flowers on this two-day…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin: to say that you are weak, or others are weak. — Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

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Renowned Scholar Dr. T.N. Ganapathy Passes On

Source U.S., March 19, 2019 (Babaji’s Kriya Yoga): Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Ph. D, passed away in Chennai, India, after a long illness, at the age of 87. As the Director of the Yoga Siddha Research Project, from the year 2000 to 2013, he and his team of Tamil Yoga Siddha scholars produced the following English language works: 1. The Yoga…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too self-full to seek other than itself. — Kabir (1440-1518), mystic Indian poet

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A Prayer for Bliss in the New Hampshire House of Representatives

Source NEW HAMPSHIRE, U.S., March 14 2019 (Lokvani): The Hindu Temple of New Hampshire, Nashua, NH, once again had the honor of being invited by the New Hampshire State Legislature to give the opening prayer in the chamber of the House of Representatives on Thursday, March 7th, 2019. Sri Veeramani Ranganathan, co-founder of the Temple, shared ancient Indian wisdom from…

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Goddess Kalikambal Blesses Boston in New Temple

Source BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, February 8, 2019 (Lokvani): In the heart of Chennai is located a popular centuries old temple known as Sri Kalikambal, where Goddess Mother Kali in her benevolent form of Kalikambal showers divine grace on Her devotees. The temple was visited by the great Maratha Emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji in 1677, and was frequented by the great Tamil poet…

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