Meteorite May Show Ancient Life On Mars

GO TO SOURCE WASHINGTON, February 26, 2001: A controversial finding that a meteorite from Mars might contain evidence of life has been given added credence by the discovery of a magnetic crystal that researchers say could have been made only by a microbe. Scientists at the Johnson Space Center in Houston say that a crystallized magnetic mineral, called magnetite, found…

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Correction on Tirumantiram Website

GO TO SOURCE March 4, 2001: The Tirumantiram scripture is not yet available at thirumanthirarsearch. However, the English text can be found at the above site, along with several other ancient Tamil scriptures.

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Correction on Afghanistan Petition

GO TO SOURCE March 4, 2001: According to information available at the above web site, the petition on the treatment of women in Afghanistan, while largely factual, is useless. The site says, “The problem with this petition is that the person who started the petition was not prepared for the consequences. A few weeks after the petition was started, her…

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Afghanistan Destroying All Statues

GO TO SOURCE KABUL, AFGHANISTAN, March 1, 2001: Despite international outrage, Taliban troops are destroying all statues including two 5th-century statues of Buddha carved into a mountainside in Bamiyan, which they say are contrary to Islam, in the capital of Kabul as well as in other cities, said Qadradullah Jamal, Taliban’s information minister. “All the statues all over the country…

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New Holistic Village Proposed In Kerala

GO TO SOURCE KERALA, INDIA, February 25, 2001: Setting aside a 300-acre setting with natural flora and fauna in northern Kerala, the Kerala State Industrial Development has collaborated with Mata Amrithanandamayi to build a holistic health village on the land. Amma’s devotees from all over the world, many of them medical specialists, already spend annual retreats in Kerala. The centre…

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Yoga Works Body, Soothes The Mind

Source: The Washington Times WASHINGTON, D.C., February 25, 2001: From suburban recreation rooms to the halls of justice, people in the Washington area are experiencing the benefits of a full-body workout with yoga while calming their minds. Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, according to this report, asked that yoga be taught at the court. Kamakshi Hart, founder of…

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14th Century Kashmiri Poetess Celebrated

Source: Hinduism Today NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 1, 2001: Dr. Karan Singh, Ms. Eva T. Dafarances, wife of Greece Ambassador and other leading scholars presented an evening on Kashmir mysticism February 11 at the India International Centre, New Delhi, reports Virendra Qazi. The highlight of the evening was the life and times of 14th century mystic poetess of Kashmir, Laleshwari.…

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New Website on Tamil Tirumantiram Announced

GO TO SOURCE March 1, 2001: The ancient Tamil scripture, Tirumantiram, is now available in Tamil and English translation at “source” above. It has been posted by Sathiyavel Murugan, a devotee of Thiruperumthiru Somasundara Paramachariya Swamigal, the late pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam, India.

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Wife Torture Bill Spooks Men

Source: The Telegraph NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 25, 2001: Male pressure groups, unhappy with the “expansive” definition of domestic violence including a clause on mental torture in the proposed bill, the Indian government is planning to bring about, are lobbying against it. But women’s and lawyers’ organizations have dug in their heels and are seeking to put an end to…

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UK Set To Ban Terrorist Groups, Including LTTE

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND, February 28, 2001: A total of 21 international organizations, recommended for proscription under the new Terrorism Act 2000, are listed in a draft Order laid before Parliament today by the Home Secretary Jack Straw. The draft Order will be subject to debates in and approval by both Houses of Parliament. Once approved, it will automatically…

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