A Reflection On Maha Sivaratri

GO TO SOURCE MONTGOMERYVILLE, PHILADELPHIA, February 18, 2001: As America has become a more multicultural nation, the youth today are free to express their religious and cultural roots without the fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed. So expounds the author of this essay while recalling the most auspicious festival of her religion, Maha Sivaratri. As a teen she expresses her…

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California College of Ayurveda Inaugural Conference

GO TO SOURCE SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, February 19, 2001: The California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine will host its Inaugural Conference for Ayurvedic Practitioners, Educators and Students at U.C. Berkeley in Northern California on April 20, 21 and 22, 2001. We expect nationwide attendance. We would like to know if you would join us in supporting this great profession by letting your…

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India Refuses Visas For Afghan Hindus In Germany

Source: The Navhind Times, Panaji, Goa GOA, INDIA, February 12, 2001: Some 8,000 Hindu refugees fleeing religious fanaticism and the civil war in Afghanistan have found shelter in Germany, but they have extreme difficulties in securing visas to India as red-tape prevents their visiting holy places or from immersing the ashes of their dead in the Ganges, as prescribed by…

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Nepal to Select New Goddess

Source: Religion News Service KATHMANDU, NEPAL, February 15, 2001: Honored by both Hindus and Buddhists alike, a new Goddess is being sought to serve in an ancient temple in Kathmandu. Selected from the Buddhist Shakya family, the new young Kumari would be assigned duties including several daily appearances to bless devotees. Many parents are avoiding the process as they want…

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Indian Firm Offers Deep Discount On AIDS Drugs

GO TO SOURCE SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, February 17, 2001: A Mumbai-based drug giant Cipla Limited has attracted worldwide headlines by offering accessibility of a cocktail of generic life-saving AIDS drugs to voluntary organizations and governments at a whopping 95 percent discount or more compared to American retail prices. Company chairman Yusuf K. Hamied says he has a reason for doing…

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Dalai Lama Gives Advice to Journalists

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 14, 2001: Journalists from around the world were honored at the International Press Institute World Congress in January with the Dalai Lama’s presence. Charming the audience with his wit and humor, the revered religious leader of the Tibetan people gave his input on the Freedom of the Press. He alluded to the analogy…

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Tirade Against Valentine’s Day

Source: Times of India and Hindustan Times Reports NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 13, 2001: A 100-strong mob ransacked a shop selling Valentine’s Day cards in east Delhi, smashing glass windows and burning the cards. The attack was one of many at various places in the country following a call by the Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray not to celebrate “this…

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Vietnam Closes Two Fake Temples

GO TO SOURCE HANOI, VIETNAM, February 16, 2001: Vietnamese authorities have sealed off two phony temples built to bilk Buddhist pilgrims out of offerings at one of the country’s most popular religious sites, an official said Friday. The first two of 42 fake shrines at the Perfume Pagoda were sealed off Thursday, and local officials plan to close the others…

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Activists Deter Valentine’s Day Celebrations

GO TO SOURCE KANPUR, INDIA, February 12, 2001: Attacking and raiding shops selling Valentine’s Day gifts and cards, Hindu Jagaram Manch activists attempted to curb the Western celebration that has become popular among the youth in the last ten years.The District Magistrate in Kanpur has ordered Special Police pickets to be posted at hotels, markets and gift shops to deter…

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Youth Taught to Respect Animals

GO TO SOURCE KAITHAL, INDIA, February 12, 2001: Attempting to kindle a “reverence of all forms of life,” the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals has started teaching 30 members in the local OSDAV school. On a larger scale the society intends to set up Karuna Clubs in other schools in the district where the philosophy of compassion…

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