Want to Bet that in 2150 The Oldest Person will be 130 or 150?

GO TO SOURCE CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OHIO, February 5, 2001: On January 1, 2150, the winner of a trust fund, starting today with 300 dollars and estimated to then be worth US$500 million, will be announced. Two scientists have set up a bet on the highest obtainable life expectancy. Estimating the age to be 130, S. Jay Olshansky of the University…

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Honored Lama Flees Tibet

GO TO SOURCE DHARAMSALA, INDIA, February 3, 2001: Last year the 14th Karmapa fled Tibet for India. He is the third-ranking Tibetan Buddhist leader, after the dalai lama and the pancha lama. He has now been given refugee status in India. The teenager’s escape from a closely-guarded monastery in Tibet embarrassed the Chinese government.

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Bangladeshi Policeman Lynched

GO TO SOURCE DHAKA, BANGLADESH, 3 February, 2001: Activists belonging to radical Muslim groups have lynched a policeman during violence in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, marring their call for a strike against a ban on religious edicts, or fatwas. Dhaka police have arrested at least 40 people who are thought to be involved in the violence, and have recovered the…

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U.S. Academy of Religion Chooses Hindu President

Source: Ridiff on the Net ATLANTA, GEORGIA, February 3, 2001: Vasudha Narayanan grew up in conservative Chennai where religion, culture, tradition, history, philosophy and temples formed the backdrop of her environment, nurturing her curiosity about Hinduism. Narayanan, 47, a professor of religion at the University of Florida at Gainesville and an author, was recently chosen as the President-elect of the…

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VHP Challenges Shankaracharyas

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 29, 2001: Acharya Giriraj Kishore of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) today reacted to the statements of some religious leaders and challenged the Shankaracharyas, “Let them build the Ram Temple if they have the money and material needed. However, they cannot expect us to give our money and construction material to them.” He…

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5,000-Year-Old Structure Survives Quake

Source: Intel IT Update KOTDA MOUND, DHOLAVIRA, GUJARAT, INDIA, February 2, 2001: Beyond the endless mounds of concrete and bricks that are now this part of Gujarat, there is a patch of ancient history that withstood the devastating quake: Dholavira, a Harappan landmark. The biggest Indian site of the 5,000 year-old Indus Valley civilization remains solid while the structures built…

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Germany Attempts to Curb Mad Cow Disease

GO TO SOURCE BERLIN, GERMANY, January 31, 2001: In an attempt to eradicate mad cow disease, technically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the German government announced that it will be slaughtering 400,000 cattle. This drastic reaction is the result of falling exports to 34 other countries who have banned German meat. Also German citizens have reduced their consumption of beef…

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Concordia University Hosts Mahabharata Conference

GO TO SOURCE MONTREAL, CANADA, February 3, 2001: An International conference on the Mahabharata will be held at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from May 18 to 20, 2001. Contact Dr Shrinivas Tilak, Department of Religion, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, for details at “source” above. Day one topic on the foremost epic of Indian history is “Methodological Problems of Teaching…

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Controversy Over Breaking Coconuts at Hindu Festival

GO TO SOURCE KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, January 31, 2001: Traditionally on Thai Pusam Malaysian Hindus honor vows to Lord Muruga by breaking coconuts during this religious festival. The Consumers Association of Penang has requested that the coconut offerings be limited and excess cash that would have been used to purchase coconuts be donated to the poor. The Hindu Malaysian Youth…

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Media Bashing, A Blot On Kumbh Festival

GO TO SOURCE LUCKNOW, INDIA, Jan. 27, 2001: At the biggest ever bath during Mauni Amavishya in Allahabad Kumbh festival, police and state paramilitary forces on January 19 went berserk and attacked journalists on duty inside the media centre of the State Government in the Kumbh area. Four journalists are still in a local hospital in Allahabad, with multiple injuries.…

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