Study: Cutting TV Reduces Aggression

GO TO SOURCE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, January 14, 2001: A school-based program that discourages television and video game use makes grade-school children less aggressive, a Stanford University study suggests. While previous research has linked exposure to media violence with increased aggression, few potential solutions have been evaluated, the authors said. Their findings indicate “that the effects of televised violence in kids…

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Less Donations From Churchgoers To Churches

GO TO SOURCE CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS, January 9, 2001: Churchgoers are donating an increasingly smaller share of their incomes. The percentage of income Protestant Christians give fell from 3.1% in 1968 to 2.5% in 1998, according to Empty Tomb, a research group in Champaign, Illinois. That means church members gave $4 billion less in 1998 than they would have if they…

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Oriya Community Objects to ISKCON Rath Yatra

GO TO SOURCE BOMBAY, INDIA, January 8, 2001: Traditionalists of the Oriya community in Bombay who worship Lord Jagannath at the Puri temple, have vocalized their disapproval of recent ISKCON activities. Deities from the temple were paraded in chariots amidst cheering and dancing for the second time in the year 2000. Protesting that ISKCON devotees lack respect for the culture…

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Tibetans Flee Homeland to Preserve Religious Freedom

GO TO SOURCE TIBET, CHINA, January 8, 2001: Fleeing their homeland to preserve their religious freedom due to Chinese government repression, Tibetan Clergy, women and children are seeking peace in new lands. The oppressive environment advocated by the government includes such atrocities as illegal raids on houses to destroy religious altars, forced sterilization of women, lack of educational opportunities for…

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Record Number of Pilgrims Visit Vaishno Devi

GO TO SOURCE JAMMU, INDIA, January 7, 2001: In the year 2000, an additional 547,0000 pilgrims were able to partake in the darshan at the holy cave shrine of Vaishno Devi. The Chief Executive Officer of the Devi Shrine board attributes the increase to religious devotion as well as more amiable accommodations available for devotees.

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Genetically Modified Foods get Approval

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 8, 2001: Hopeful of eradicating or reducing poverty, hunger and malnutrition in India by the year 2020, the 88th Indian Science Congress has approved the production of genetically modified (GM) foods. In conjunction with protecting the environment and the rich bio-diversity of India, the technology will be tested in laboratories before reaching the…

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Kashmir Shiva Temples May Crumble

Source: Asian Age JAMMU & KASHMIR, INDIA, January 7, 2001: 2000-year-old temples dedicated to Lord Siva are about to crumble with neglect unless the Archaeological Survey of India steps in. Due to unstable government in the state, restoration has been abandoned. The Naranag temples were built with megaliths, huge undressed stones, that were placed with precision. The result was geometrically…

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Hard Line Rulers Oppose Conversion

GO TO SOURCE KABUL, AFGHANISTAN January 8, 2001: Hard line Taliban rulers who enforce strict Islamic law in Afghanistan have announced that the death penalty will be imposed on Muslims converting to another religion. Similarly anyone trying to convert a Muslim will experience the same fate. However, followers of other religions are allowed to practice their faith without being ostracized.…

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Ban on Plastics

GO TO SOURCE GOA, INDIA, January 9, 2001: Backed by the Goa Environment Federation and the Local Authorities, the Goa government has banned the use of plastics in the state starting in May 2001. Plastic can be neither burnt nor buried resulting in a problem for the product’s proper disposal. Citizens are supporting the Chief Minister’s progressive decision. An special…

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Employed Rather than Retired Over Age 65

GO TO SOURCE The Census Bureau of the United States predicts that by the year 2030 one in four US citizens will be over 65 years of age. Out of necessity and with good health, this multi-talented age group will be visibly present in the work force. This entertaining New York Times report covers hardworking old folks in their 80s,…

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