Prime Minister Keen To Bathe at Kumbha Mela

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 14, 2001: Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee is apparently keen, along with tens of millions of Hindu pilgrims at the Maha Kumbh Mela now on in Allahabad, to immerse himself in purificatory waters. Official sources say the Special Protection Group responsible for Vajpayee’s security is less than enthusiastic given the enormous logistical problems.…

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Dalai Lama Invited to Kumbha Mela

Source: Reuters DHARMASALA, INDIA, January 11, 2001: The Dalai Lama is considering a request from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, to attend a Hindu religious festival in India, an official of the Tibetan leader’s government-in-exile announced. The Dalai Lama has accepted “in principle” the invitation, according to both a member of his office in New Delhi and a high-ranking member of…

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South Indians Celebrate Pongal

Source: Shri Rajarathna Bhattar HOUSTON, TEXAS, January 13, 2001: The festival called variously as Pongal, Makara Sankranthi and Utharayana Punya Kala occurs on January 14 or 15. From the sun’s entering Makara rasi, it is called Makara Sankranthi; from the sun’s moving northwards, it is named Utharayana; and as the sun is worshipped with sweet rice pongal, it is called…

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Holymen Take Five-Star Tents to Court

GO TO SOURCE ALLAHABAD, UTTAR PRADESH, January 12, 2001: A luxury tour operator is forced to defend itself in court after it set up next a five-star tent city at the Kumbh Mela Hindu festival site. Irate Hindu sadhus demanded that British travel agent, Cox and Kings, wind up its 74 Swiss-cottage style tents as it went against the true…

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Kumbh Mela – A First Hand Account of a Personal Pilgrimage

GO TO SOURCE ALLAHABAD, INDIA, January 11, 2001: “I was less interested in spiritualism and more in adventure.” So recalls Vijay Rana of BBC Hindi Service as he describes his attendance at the great Kumbh Mela two decades ago. Vijay describes the sheer joy of participating in the wave of human bodies drawing each soul towards a sacred dip at…

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Monkey Rambo takes no prisoners

Source: South China Morning Post DELHI, INDIA, December 27, 2001: Authorities in Nirman Bhavan, the huge complex housing the ministries of Health and Urban Development in the Indian capital, have unleashed a specially trained monkey to keep an army of fellow simians at bay. Officials deployed four-year-old Raju to put an end to the monkey business that has been going…

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Parsis Community Struggling to Survive

GO TO SOURCE BOMBAY, INDIA, January 11, 2001: With dwindling numbers in a tight-knit community, the Zoroastrian faith has cause for concern. Most proponents of the religion originating from Iran, discourage conversion and interfaith marriage. As a result, only 125,000 Parsis live world-wide most of them in Bombay. Even though the community has prospered in India through business ventures and…

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Bible Videos For All Mailboxes In Texas.

GO TO SOURCE HOUSTON, TEXAS, January 4, 2001: A copy of the “Jesus” video will be placed in every mailbox in Texas. The mailing to 8.4 million homes is the largest ever for the 83-minute film. “We’re not out to bug people, we’re out to make a difference,” Lee Miller, spokesman for the project, told The Dallas Morning News in…

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Primates Used for Testing

GO TO SOURCE OREGON, USA, January 11, 2001: In an attempt to discover vaccines for the prevention of disease and new medicines to cure an existing illness, scientists at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center have produced a genetically modified monkey. They intend to modify future monkeys to react more as humans do to disease, particularly HIV. With subjects closely…

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Budget Cuts For Kasi Viswanath Temple

Source: The Pioneer BANARAS, INDIA, January 6, 2001: The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)-led state government surprised Hindus by curtailing the annual budget of the famous Kashi Viswanath Temple. The curtailment may pose many difficulties to the management as the charges of various prayers and rituals may have to be hiked higher. According to sources against the proposal of US$434,782 for the…

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