India’s Lost Africans

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND: Long before the first slave ships started supplying labor to the cotton plantations of the American south, and many centuries before the first Africans were brought ashore to the sugar estates of Brazil and the Caribbean, Africans were being sold as slave-soldiers for India’s princely states. Their descendants are the least visible part of the…

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No Comparative Religion for Memphis

Source: Associated Press, November 24, 2000 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, USA: A proposed comparative religion course for high school students has prompted debate in Memphis. The Shelby County School Board first tried to offer Bible history classes but was stopped by the state because the courses were found to focus too heavily on Protestants. It was then proposed that the board adopt…

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Government Nod For Divorce Law Change Upsets Christians

GO TO SOURCE NEW DELHI, INDIA: The Union Cabinet on Thursday decided to introduce the Indian Divorce (Amendment) Bill, 2000, ostensibly to remove discrepancies in the grounds for Christian men and women to seek divorce. Christian organizations have criticized the move, saying they were not consulted. The bill intends to amend the Indian Divorce Act, of 1869, since its provisions…

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Mount Everest Moving to China

Source: India Today News Service, November 17, 2000 BEIJING, CHINA: According to a survey done by Chinese scientists, the world’s tallest peak, Mt. Everest, is moving into China at a speed of six to seven centimeters per year from its position on the Nepal-China border. This is nothing new, of course, as the entire India subcontinent–once separated from Asia by…

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Toilet Seat Company Apologizes to Hindus

Source: Hinduism Today, November 21, 2000 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Lamar Van Dyke, one of two partners of Sittin’ Pretty Designs, offered an unconditional apology to the Hindu community for placing images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Kali on toilet seats. The company said they would withdraw the items from sale. In her apology for offending the sensibilities of the community, Lamar…

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Half of Indian Women Say Wife Beating Justified

Source: Reuters, November 17, 2000 NEW DELHI, INDIA: More than half of Indian women believe that wife-beating can be justified under certain circumstances, a survey on population and health published this week said. The survey of 90,000 women across the country — conducted by the International Institute for Population Sciences at the initiative of the Health Ministry — found that…

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Temple Preparations Proceed at Ayodhya

GO TO SOURCE AYODHYA, INDIA: After lying dormant for several years, the temple town of Ayodhya in India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, is once again simmering with tension. Eight years ago, Hindu zealots tore down the ancient Babri mosque in Ayodhya, which stands upon the birthplace of Lord Rama. Bloody Hindu-Muslim riots followed. Icons of Lord Rama and Sita were…

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London Sees First-ever Private Collection of Pre-Harappa Treasures

GO TO SOURCE LONDON, ENGLAND: A rare collection or pre-Harappan ceramics and sculptures being exhibited for the first time in London have been described by dealers as the oldest high quality treasures of their kind anywhere in the world. This collection of pots, figurines and tablets is from a site in the upper Indus, near Mehrgarh in the Pakistani province…

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Monkeys Judging Morality

Source: Hindustan Times, November 11, 2000 PATNA, INDIA: In the state capital of Patna, India around the Sahara Indian building on Boring Road, monkeys are accosting smokers who venture into their territory. They have become the moral judge and jury of anyone caught smoking. After getting a few quick slaps, smokers quickly relinquish their fares to the persistent band of…

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Mumbai Government Ends Reign of Prince of Wales

GO TO SOURCE MUMBAI, INDIA: Call it the latest victory for Chatrapati Shivaji. The Maharashtra state government decided Wednesday to rename Mumbai’s Prince of Wales museum after the legendary Indian warrior and king. Shivaji already reconquered the main railway terminal, Victoria Station, and the city’s name itself was returned to “Mumbai” from the Anglicized “Bombay.” There are complaints about the…

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