Sabarimala Temple Board Reverses Opposition to Entry of Women

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 6, 2019 (Saudi Gazette): A board that oversees an ancient Hindu hill temple in southern India said on Wednesday it now favored allowing women of menstruating age to enter the temple, reversing its previous support for a centuries-old ban. The Sabarimala temple has been the site of tension since India’s Supreme Court ruled in late…

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Concord Murugan Temple Yatra: Unique Feat

Source CONCORD, CALIFORNIA, February 5, 2019 (India Currents): Walking to a temple to celebrate devotional fervor is a well-understood facet of Hinduism in India. This very devotion drove over 6,000 Indian-Americans to walk together to celebrate the festival of Thaipoosam with great fervor. Thai is the Tamil name for the month that extends between January 16th to February 15th each…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Hindus profoundly know that God is the same Supreme Being in whom peoples of all faiths find solace, peace and liberation. Nonetheless, we realize that all religions are not the same, and the doctrines of one often conflict with those of another. Even this should never be cause for religious tension or intolerance. — Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927‚Äì2001)

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Hampi World Heritage Site Vandalized by Hooligans, Video Goes Viral

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, February 3, 2019 (India Today): After a video showing some youths vandalizing ancient pillars at the world heritage site in Hampi, Karnataka, went viral on the social media on Friday, police said they have sped up the investigation and will soon arrest the guilty. Superintendent of Police, Bellary, Arun Rangarajan said the accused will be arrested…

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India Has the Lowest Divorce Rate In the World

Source INDIA, February 1, 2019 (Storypick): Frequently we find news of celeb divorces popping up on our social media feeds. That makes us look around a little, and we see that marriages are literally falling apart these days! Marriages are decreasing in popularity while divorce rates are skyrocketing. But quite shockingly, a study submitted by Unified Lawyers reveals that India…

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Daily Inspiration

Source If an earthquake does you harm, do you try to harm it in return? Just keep quiet. Let everyone mind their own business. — Satguru Siva Yogaswami (1872‚Äì1964), Sri Lankan mystic

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Studio Connects Yoga and Meditation to Nature in UAE

Source DUBAI, UAE, February 1, 2019 (Gulf News): While meditation has been around since 1500 BC, it has recently been reintroduced into mainstream culture becoming the latest craze among fitness geeks and celebrities alike on social media. Considered an important part of yoga, the practice, which was born thousands of years before the birth of modern civilisation, is now offered…

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