Federal Court Unseals Records in California Department Of Education Lawsuit by Hindu Organization

Source FREMONT, CALIFORNIA, February 2, 2019 (press release by capeem.org): Judge Charles Breyer has unsealed emails showing Department of Education officials soliciting and coordinating professors’ anti-Hindu reports on 2016 drafts of the California-History Social Science Framework that were falsely presented as “public comment.” [Go to https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/hs/cf/documents/hssframeworkwhole.pdf for the final version of the Framework]. Tom Adams, the Deputy Superintendent at the…

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Daily Inspiration

Source God’s omnipresent consciousness exists within each individual. Imagine a japa mala: every person is a bead, but the string that goes through the center of each bead–God’s consciousness–permeates us all. By looking deeply inside ourselves, we can experience our oneness with God. — Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher of Hinduism Today

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Kentucky Hindu Temple Vandalized with Crosses, Christian Phrases

Source LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, February 1, 2019 (Huffington Post): A Hindu temple in Kentucky was vandalized this week with hateful messages, including some promoting Christianity, in an incident local police are calling a hate crime. Sometime between Sunday and Tuesday morning, a vandal or vandals broke through a window at Louisville’s Swaminarayan Temple, the Courier Journal reports, leaving glass shattered on…

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How Britain Stole $45 Trillion from India

Source UNITED KINGDOM, December 19, 2018 (Al Jazeera by Jason Hickel): There is a story that is commonly told in Britain that the colonization of India – as horrible as it may have been – was not of any major economic benefit to Britain itself. If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain. So the fact that…

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British Museums to Be Transparent About Colonial Artefacts

Source LONDON, U.K., January 27, 2019 (Times of India): Three British museums have embarked on an exercise to confront the colonial legacy of their artefacts by being more transparent about the items’ provenance. British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) and Pitt Rivers Museum are reviewing the labels on thousands of their objects, particularly those plundered during colonial times. “We…

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In Japan, a Debate About Swastikas Takes on a New Urgency

Source JAPAN, January 24, 2019 (The Outline): Around the world, symbols hold disparate meanings based on cultural relevance. For some Westerners, the swastika induces feelings of disgust and remorse; the tacit acknowledgement that we must not let evil consume us again. It may be impossible for those aware of Nazi Germany to ever be able to overcome the symbol’s horrific…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Bhakti is nothing but the devotion we show to the divinity that resides within us. Once we regard the divinity within us with devotional fervor, we are bound to develop the same affection towards everything outside, for the same divine truth runs through all things. — M.S. Subbulakshmi (1916-2004), renowned Carnatic singer

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Help Hinduism Today Cover the Kumbha Mela Right Now

KAUAI, HAWAII, USA, January 17, 2019: Our chief India correspondent, Mr. Rajiv Malik along with photographer Pramil Dwivedi, are covering the Kumbha Mela from January 24th to 29th. We request any of our HPI readers who might arrange interview time with any of the prominent or not-so-prominent saints, swamis or sadhus at the event to write the managing editor, Acharya…

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Spirituality as India’s Soft Power

Source INDIA, January 23, 2019 (India Facts by Maria Wirth): Spirituality is in all likelihood India’s most important soft power because it gives answers to the basic questions of human beings regarding the meaning of life, and most importantly, who we essentially are. The truth that we all are essentially the same invisible spirit was discovered by the Rishis in…

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