Gov. Jerry Brown Makes Plant-Based Meals the Law in California Hospitals

Source SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, September 19, 2018 (AP News): The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine–a nonprofit with 12,000 doctor members–applauds California Gov. Jerry Brown for signing into law a landmark bill that guarantees patients a healthful plant-based option at every meal. Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) authored Senate Bill 1138, which was co-sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and Social…

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These Rohingya Refugees Actually Want to Return to Myanmar. The Difference Is They’re Hindus

Source BANGLADESH, January 6, 2019 (LA Times): In the world’s largest refugee camp, where 1.1 million Rohingya Muslim refugees reside, 105 families have been stranded — caught in a war that was not theirs. Unlike the rest of the refugees, these families are Rohingya Hindus — a small minority within a minority that had lived peacefully for generations in Myanmar’s…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Himself will create, Himself will protect, Himself will annihilate, Himself will obscure. Having done these, He will bestow liberation, pervading and ruling all. — Tirumular, Saiva rishi, author of the Tirumantiram

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Was India’s Knowledge Elitist?

Source INDIA, December 32, 2018 (New Indian Express by Michel Danino): Indian civilization’s obsession with knowledge was our last “master idea,” with endless and still poorly explored contributions in nearly every field (“India as a Knowledge Creator”, The New Indian Express, 29 November). But there is another side to the story, which in many ways characterizes the paradox of Indian…

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How Christians Use Education Programs to Convert Poor Hindus

Source INDIA, February 9, 2018 (Swarajyamag by M. Kishwar and S. Kishwar): In recent years, the issue of conversions from Hinduism and ghar wapsi (reconversion to Hinduism) has evoked a great deal of controversy. Hindu groups allege that Christian missionaries use force, fraud and all kinds of illicit means in order to “harvest souls” for Christianity. Therefore, they seek a…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline of the kali yuga. If a man clings tenaciously to Truth, he ultimately realizes God. Without this regard for Truth, one gradually loses everything. — Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836-1886)

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Making the South Indian Nagaswaram Instrument Sweeter

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, January 2, 2019 (The Hindu): Not many know that Narasingampettai, a small town in the Thanjavur district, has an important role to play in the world of Carnatic music, especially in enriching the music of the nagaswaram. It was N.G.N. Ranagantha Asari, an ace carpenter from this village, who completely transformed the instrument, which is now known…

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Indic Academy Announces Ram Swarup-Sitaram Goel Memorial Fund to Promote Research In Indic History, Culture and Religion

Source INDIA, December 26, 2018 (Swarajyamag): Commemorating the 20th death anniversary of Hindu thinker and scholar Shri Ram Swarup, Indic Academy today (26 December) announced that it has instituted a Ram Swarup-Sitaram Goel Memorial Fund for promoting Indic research and publication. Shri Ram Swarup and Shri Sitaram Goel are both towering intellectuals and widely regarded as the pioneers in Indic…

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Daily Inspiration

Source It is only through sadhana that you will be able to prudently delineate between true intuition and the feelings of need and greed from the externalities of your instinctive nerve system. — Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)

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Nalanda University Plans

Source RAJGIR, INDIA, February 13, 2017 (YouTube): Nalanda was a Mahavihara, a large Buddhist monastery in the ancient kingdom of Magadha in India. The site was a center of learning in the 5th century CE to c. 1200 CE. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site today. The site of the new Nalanda University is 12 miles from the ruins.…

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