New Song Released on History of Hindu India

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, November 21, 2018: Hinduism Today is pleased to announce the release of their first history movie video, “Let’s Go Back 6,000 years,” at source above or The Indus Valley Civilization is the song’s subject. It a song for children intended to supplement the popular History of Hindu India documentary “From Ancient Times.” See playlist: ( In…

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Ancient Temples Discovered During Demolition in Varanasi

Source VARANASI, INDIA, November 24, 2018 (pgurus): The world famous Kashi Vishwanath Temple at Varanasi will soon be accessible to pilgrims directly from the famed ghats of the river Ganga. The process of constructing a corridor by the Uttar Pradesh government between the river Ganga and Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi is in full swing. The project has been sanctioned…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Hinduism is an orthodox religion, conservative in its ways and yet pliant and understanding. It is simultaneously the most demanding spiritual path and the most forgiving. — Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001), founder of Hinduism Today

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New Song Released on History of Hindu India

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, November 21, 2018: Hinduism Today is pleased to announce the release of their first history movie video, “Let’s Go Back 6,000 years,” at source above. The Indus Valley Civilization is the song’s subject. It a song for children intended to supplement the popular History of Hindu India documentary “From Ancient Times”( In the course of our extended…

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Hindu Sangam: Handling of Seafield Temple Relocation Good Model to Follow

Source PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA, November 21, 2018 (Free Malaysia Today): The Malaysia Hindu Sangam has praised the way in which the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple’s relocation in Seafield, Subang Jaya was handled, saying it can serve as a template for future land disputes involving religious buildings. Speaking to FMT, Hindu Sangam president RS Mohan Shan said it had been involved…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Who there be who, like our Lord, knows the great and the small, the difficult and the facile? Only they who, like a tortoise, withdraw the five senses under their shell. They hear and see the here and the beyond, and have all impurities dispelled. — Tirumantiram, verse 133

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America’s Fastest Growing Religion Is “None”

Source MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, November 11, 2018 (Star Tribune): The men and women relaxing on yoga mats recently at a Minneapolis meditation center didn’t know it, but most belonged to the fastest-growing religion in America — none at all. They included a former Lutheran who left the church because the Bible clashed with science, a former Catholic who became leery of…

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Daily Inspiration

Source A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the Sun makes the world active with its rays, so does self-awareness change the mind. In its light, energies wake up and work miracles without effort on your part. — Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897-1981), Hindu sage

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