Daily Inspiration

Source He who is called Brahman by the jnanis is known as atman by the yogis and as Bhagavan by the bhaktas. But even That disappears when the aspirant reaches nirvikalpa samadhi. — Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836-1886)

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Malibu Hindu Temple Safe for Now

Hindu Temple Society of Southern California LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, November 11, 2018 (bulletin from Nadadur S. Kumar): “Against all odds, I managed to visit the Temple along with my wife this morning. We were quite astonished to see the Temple standing as tall as always in the middle of many other structures destroyed in and around the Temple. The only…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Offer oblations in love, light golden lamps. Spread incense of fragrant wood and lighted camphor in all directions. Forget your worldly worries and meditate. Worshiping thus, there is nothing that you cannot attain. Worshiping thus, you shall inherit the wealth of Indra, heaven’s king. Worshiping thus, you shall gain miraculous powers. Worshiping thus, you shall attain moksha. — Tirumantiram,…

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Daily Inspiration

Source We are all bubbles in the ocean. The bubble is in the ocean; the ocean is in the bubble. — Satguru Siva Yogaswami, (1872-1964) Sri Lankan mystic

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Meat Has a Replacement but No One Knows What to Call It

Source UNITED STATES, November 7, 2018 (Bloomberg): Lab-grown. Cell-based. Clean. In vitro. Cultured. Fake. Artificial. Synthetic. Meat 2.0. These are all terms that refer to the same kind of food, one that’s not even on the market yet. But the companies making it have already raised hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investor cash and earned the close attention…

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Nepal’s Kukur Tihar Festival Honors Their Dogs

Source NEPAL, November 7, 2018 (Pretty 52): Nepal celebrated our fluffy four-legged friends in its Kukur Tihar–Day of the Dogs–on Tuesday, and it looked incredible. The five-day Nepalese Hindu festival of Tihar kicked off earlier this week, and the second day is dedicated entirely to dogs. Pooches are given flower garlands and are blessed with a Tika, which is a…

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Moringa, the Next Superfood?

Source DAVIS, CALIFORNIA, October 9, 2018 (Washington Post): There’s nothing super-looking about moringa (drumstick, Tamil murungai). It’s skinny and sparse in foliage. Its fragile branches sprout puny white flowers and droop with long twisted pods knobby with seeds. But if plants were superheroes, then moringa would be Iron Man. “If there were a top ten list of plants that are…

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