Parsis In Mumbai Fight Existential Decline In Aspirants to Priesthood

MUMBAI, INDIA, November 14, 2023 (RNS): In a leafy neighborhood of central Mumbai, classic Parsi-style bungalows with their deep porches and balconies adorn the streets, a historic Parsi school has been recently renovated and at the Dadar Athornan Institute, 14 students dressed in T-shirts and skullcaps are immersed in learning the sacred scriptures and rituals of the Zoroastrian faith. But…

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Houston’s 12th International Diwali-Dussehra Festival: A Grand Spectacle

HOUSTON, TEXAS, November 10, 2023 (Indo American News): The 12th International Diwali-Dussehra Festival, organized by the Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA, unfolded in a grand spectacle, leaving a lasting impression on attendees, including local dignitaries and consul generals from nearly a dozen nations. This vibrant celebration of culture and tradition took place at the new state-of-the-art Fort Bend Epicenter in…

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Diwali Illuminations Light Up Singapore’s Skies

SINGAPORE, NOVEMBER 10, 2023 (News Mobile): As Singapore joins the global celebration of Diwali, the city-state is aglow with festive spirit and stunning illuminations. Singapore’s connection to Diwali can be traced back to its rich history. The island nation has a substantial Indian diaspora of approximately 650,000 as per the Ministry of External Affairs India, with deep cultural and historical…

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State Agency Clarifies that Improved Amarnath Cave Track Not for Motor Vehicles

SRINAGAR, INDIA, November 11, 2023 ( The state Border Roads Organization (BRO) has responded to environmental concerns raised in Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that the widened tracks leading to the Amarnath cave are not intended for motor vehicular movement, though motorized vehicles and excavation equipment has been used for the work. The widening of tracks leading to the cave aligns…

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New Stamp Heralds the Arrival of Diwali

VANCOUVER, BC, November 9, 2023 (News Wire): Canada Post issued a new stamp today celebrating the arrival of Diwali, one of the largest, most popular and widely celebrated festivals in India. Diwali, which is observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and other communities in Canada and around the world, celebrates the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.…

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Why Diwali Spending Is Primed to Rocket in the US

UNITED STATES, November 7, 2023 (BBC): For many businesses, holiday spending is a major part of Q4 revenue – think Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Now, as it gains national recognition, US merchants are increasingly embracing Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, for its commercial potential. While every region in India has traditions for commemorating this holiday, most celebrants broadly…

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The Himalayan Mountain No One Has Climbed

TIBET, November 3, 2023 (Lad Bible by Joe Harker): Mount Kailash is a couple of thousand feet shorter than Everest, but nobody’s ever made it up the mountain. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Kailash is a pretty difficult to reach part of the world, and the physical challenge of getting there and actually climbing the mountain is seen…

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The Cost of Cremation in India

INDIA, November 1, 2023 (Scroll by Minakshi Dewan): Hindus form the majority of the Indian population. According to Hindu traditions, the body is cremated using wood in an open pyre. However, some families choose incinerators that run on electricity or Compressed Natural Gas. For an open-pyre cremation, one needs large quantities of wood – close to 882 to 1323 pounds.…

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