Daily Inspiration

Source When the Creator dances, the worlds He created dance. To the measure that He dances in our knowledge, our thoughts, too, dance. When He in heart-endearing dances, the several elements, too, dance. Witness in rapture surpassing the dance of that One who is a glowing flame.— Tirumantiram, 2786

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Manobo Woman’s Kin Want Golden Tara Returned

Source BUTUAN CITY, PHILIPPINES, August 13, 2018 (Philstar): As the United States government plans to return the historic Balangiga bells to the Philippines, relatives of the Manobo woman who found the Golden Tara in 1917 along Agusan River want the relic returned too. The 13th century 21-karat Golden Tara, considered as one of the most important archeological discoveries in the…

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Kawad Pilgrimage 2018

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 7, 2018 (Indian Express): During the holy month of Savana, millions of pilgrims carry the auspicious Ganga water to worship Lord Shiva and start their journey of Kanwar Yatra. The saffron clad devotees, popularly known as “kanwariyas”, collect the Ganga Jal from Hindu pilgrimage centers and proceed to the temples of Lord Shiva to offer…

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Hindus Need to Join the Debate About How to Define Death

Source UNITED STATES, August 8, 2018: Hinduism Today invites Hindus to send us their thoughts and research to letters@hindu.org on how to define “death” of the physical body in the Hindu tradition. As the following article by Radhika Viswanathan explains, it is a complex issue in today’s technologically advanced medical world and an issue–like taxes–that none of us will escape.…

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American Red Cross Awards $500,000 Grant to Sewa International:

Source HOUSTON, TEXAS, August 6, 2018 (Press Release): The American Red Cross awarded Sewa International a US$500,000 grant to rebuild homes of the economically underprivileged devastated by Hurricane Harvey in Rosharon Village, Brazoria County, Texas. Since day one of Hurricane Harvey’s sweep across Southern Texas damaging property and destroying lives, Sewa International has been at the forefront of rescue operations…

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