Daily Inspiration

Source It is far easier to conquer others than to conquer oneself, because the former can be attained by recourse to outside means, while the latter can be achieved only with one’s own mind.— Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948)

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Daily Inspiration

Source Eternal, pure, groundless, death-and-birth free, pervasive, ever immaculate, distant, near, enveloping effulgence of void, the support of all, the fullness of bliss, the consciousness-form beyond thought and speech, That which thus stood, the expanse vast that generates bliss, let us contemplate.— Tayumanavar (1706-1744), South Indian devotional poet

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What Would India Look like Today Had It Not Been Colonised by the British ?

Source INDIA, June 30, 2018 (ED Times by Janhavi Sharma): Colonialism completely changed the world. British colonialism, more specifically, changed the face of 53 nations thereby tagging them as the Commonwealth nations. While British rule brought about untold change and modifications to India, it is hard to imagine an India without its embedded British characteristics. So what would India look…

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Daily Inspiration

Source He cannot be seen by the eye, and words cannot reveal Him. He cannot be reached by the senses, or by austerity or sacred actions. By the grace of wisdom and purity of mind, He can be seen, indivisible, in the silence of contemplation. This invisible Atman can be seen by the mind wherein the five senses are resting.—…

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Temples Promote Greenery, Give Saplings as Prasad

Source BHOPAL, INDIA, June 30, 2018 (Daily Pioneer): In order to encourage greenery to control environmental pollution, especially atmospheric heat and water scarcity, the Gwalior temples are giving saplings as prasad to the devotees. The initiative for this novel way of worship was taken by the Ganapati Temple situated at Shinde Ke Chawani. Devotees who thronged the temple on Wednesday…

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Parents Criticize Closure of Top Private Hindu School

Source UNITED KINGDOM, July 1, 2018 (Standard): The Swaminarayan School, the only independent Hindu school in Europe, will close its doors by 2020, it was announced this week. Heads at the US$16,000-a-year faith school in Neasden, which include a prep and senior school, announced the news with a “heavy heart”, blaming “increasing regulatory requirements” and the competition from free state-funded…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Only in the depth of pure silence can we hear God’s voice. Silence is like an upright empty glass that is capable of being filled with, and retaining, the water of knowledge.— Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, India’s Kerala-based “hugging saint “

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