Daily Inspiration

Source Love gives and gives and gives and seeks no return. Therefore, love has nothing to lose–and consequently, nothing to fear.— Dada J.P. Vaswani, spiritual head of Sadhu Vaswani Mission

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Mauritius: Hotel Tells Employees Not to Wear Tika, Stirs up Protest

Source MAURITIUS, April 14, 2018 (Curren Triggers): One of Mauritius’ finest hotels, the five-star Residence Mauritius, is in a soup for asking an employee to not sport a Tika (bindi, forehead mark) for hygienic purposes. The staffer, however, received support from Hindu groups who plan to hold a prayer session on the beach near The Residence Mauritius on April 15th.…

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Daily Inspiration

Source There the eye goes not, nor words, nor mind. We know not. We cannot understand how He can be explained. He is above the known, and He is above the unknown. Thus have we heard from the ancient sages who explained this truth to us.— Sama Veda, Kena Upanishad 1.3

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Small Errors, Big Impact: Correcting Media Portrayals of Hinduism

Source UNITED STATES, May 9, 2018 (HAF): Hindu Americans comprise one of the fastest growing populations in the United States. The Hindu American population currently numbers around 2.5 million. This does not include the estimated 32 million people who derive inspiration from Hindu spirituality and engage in Hindu practices such as yoga and meditation. With growing numbers comes an increased…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Love is seeing and feeling life everywhere. When your heart is full of love, you sense life pulsating through all creation.— Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, Kerala-based hugging saint

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Missionaries, Sanskrit and Oxford University: A History

Source INDIA, April 26, 2018 (Swarajyamag by Manish Maheswari): For Christian missionaries, India is an unfinished project, and it is not because of lack of trying. Every conceivable means has been tried to convert the heathens into the true religion of Christ, from downright annihilation (inquisition at Goa) to sophisticated racial theories (Bishop Robert Caldwell’s Dravidian race theory) meant to…

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Kailash Mansarovar Yatra to Resume via Nathu La Route This Year

Source BEJING, CHINA, April 23, 2018 (League of India): In a development that is going to spread joy in the Hindu community, India and China on April 22 agreed to resume the Holy Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through the Natha Lu route in Sikkim. The decision was made during External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj talks with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi…

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Daily Inspiration

Source At a national and international level, we will enjoy more peace as we become more tolerant. Religious leaders can help by teaching their congregations how to live in a world of differences without feeling threatened, without forcing their ways or will on others. World bodies can make laws which deplore and work to prevent crimes of violence. It is…

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