Eight Million Brits No Longer Eat Meat

Source UNITED KINGDOM, April 14, 2018 (Daily Mail): Some eight million Brits no longer eat meat, a survey has found, with one in four planning to reduce their meat consumption in the next year. Young people are driving the meat-free trend, the research showed, with younger consumers more likely to have concerns about the ethics of meat. Just under four…

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India Helps Translate Ancient Inscriptions in My Son Sanctuary

Source QUANG NAM, VIETNAM, April 3, 2018 (Vietnam Plus): The Sanskrit inscriptions on stone columns at the UNESCO world heritage My Son Sanctuary in central Quang Nam province will be translated into Vietnamese and English as part of a joint project between Vietnam and India. Under the project, which started on April 3, specialists from India will study the columns…

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Ontario Hindu Temple Seeking Two Priests

Source HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA, April 17, 2018 (Press Release): The Hindu Samaj of Hamilton & Region is seeking to fill two priest posts. Both positions require a priest well versed in puja for all Deities, and able to perform all rituals and samskaras. One position is for a priest who also is able to sing, do chownkis, kirtan, play harmonium,…

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Study: 900-Year Drought Wiped out Indus Civilization

Source KHARAGPUR, INDIA, April 16, 2018 (Times of India): The Indus Valley civilisation was wiped out 4,350 years ago by a 900-year-long drought, scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur (IIT-Kgp) have found. Evidence gathered during their study also put to rest the widely accepted theory that the said drought lasted for only about 200 years. The study…

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Two Chennai Artists Bag Crafts Council Excellence Award

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, April 4, 2018 (Times of India): Tuesday turned out to be a big day for Chennai-based artisans R. Selvanathan Sthapati and T. K. Bharani as they received Craft Council of India’s (CCI) Kamala awards for Outstanding Contribution for Preservation of Indian Art, Craft and Tradition and Excellence in Craftsmanship, respectively. The awards, instituted in 2000 to recognize…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Hinduism was organized for peaceful and harmonious coexistence, not for continued confrontation with external enemies in the shape of unbelievers. It is no accident of history that, though Hinduism knew internal feuds like any social polity, it never crossed its borders to wage wars against people simply because they worshiped different Gods. — Ram Swarup (1920-1998), foremost spokesperson of…

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Daily Inspiration

Source According as one acts, so does he become. One becomes virtuous by virtuous action, bad by bad action.— Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.5

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Argentina Declares the Importance of International Yoga Day

Source MENDOZA, ARGENTINA, April 3, 2018 (Los Andes, translated from Spanish): By decree of Governor Alfredo Cornejo, the International Yoga Day celebrated on June 21 of each year was declared of provincial importance. The decree was published today in the Official Gazette after a request by the Senate of the province to recognize through a resolution that the UN has…

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