This Website Takes You Closer to Gita

Source INDIA, March 1, 2018 (The Hindu): It is never too late to start learning Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Members of the team that built the website believe in this as they add their attempt to numerous prior ones by so many others in bringing Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s Kurukshetra upadesa closer to a seeker. What perhaps differentiates this free-online-access, user-friendly…

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Hinduism Today April/May/June 2018 Issue Now Available On-Line!

Source KAUAI, HAWAII, March 29, 2018: Hinduism Today’s latest issue has gone to press and is now available online free of charge at “source” above. You can also download our free Hinduism Today app and get the entire magazine in a mobile-friendly format for your device at In his Publisher’s Desk editorial, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami takes on the new…

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Daily Inspiration

Source I know you are busy. At least, your mind has made you think so. Even so, can you not find some time to invite God, your Supreme Guest, to bless you–you and your life–with His all-illumining and all-fulfilling presence?— Sri Chinmoy, renowned spiritual leader, author, poet, artist, musician and athlete

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Do Prison Inmates Have a Right to Vegetarian Meals?

Source UNITED STATES, April 2001 (Vegetarian Journal): There are many issues surrounding the availability of vegetarian food in prison, and there is much variety in the way different prison systems have addressed these issues. While some prisoners are given limited rights to receive certain diets, including those prisoners with medical conditions and those of certain religious denominations, there are many…

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The Ashes of Albert Allemele Scattered in the Ganges

Source BASSE-POINTE, MARTINIQUE, March 13, 2018 (France-Antilles, translated from French): Albert Allemele was one of the great vatialou (master of the sacred) of Martinique. The grandson of indentured workers from South India, Albert Allemele was a great connoisseur of Hindu ceremonies. Nearly a year after his death and according to his last wish, his ashes were scattered in the sacred…

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Indonesia Celebrates Nyepi – A View from Malang, Java

Source INDONESIA, March 14, 2018 (Le Petit Journal, translated from French): On March 17, Indonesia will celebrate Nyepi, the day of silence. The day is a holiday throughout the country. This Hindu festival is celebrated in Bali especially, but also in Lombok and in several villages located between Malang and the Bromo volcano. This day of silence marks the beginning…

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Indian Consulates to Propagate Indian Culture

Source WASHINGTON DC, March 11, 2018 (The Hindu): In a new initiative by the Narendra Modi government, a band of Indian officials posted to three missions in the U.S. now promote Indian culture as part of diplomacy. Designated as a Yoga and Indian Culture Acharya, the three officials in Washington DC, New York and Chicago are experts in Sanskrit, yoga…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Adversity and prosperity never cease to exist. The adornment of great men’s minds is to remain unswervingly just under both.— Tirukkural 115

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At Vadapalani Temple, Priests Get Trained in Nuances of Agamas

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, March 12, 2018 (The Hindu): Kapali Vaidhyanatha Gurukkal, an Agama expert and an archaka at the Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple is conducting a course for 50 priests archakas attached to other Saivaite temples. Based on a curriculum approved by the Department, he fits in astrology, Agamas, tales from the puranas, slokas used in various rituals, and rules pertaining…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Hindu Dharma was a great reconciler. It reconciled various viewpoints, various doctrines. It knew how to look at things from various angles and viewpoints. It knew no conflict between science and religion, between rationalism and spiritualism. It was so because it was not dogmatic in reason or religion.— Ram Swarup (1920-1998), distinguished spokesperson of Hindu spirituality and culture in…

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