Daily Inspiration

Source By practicing tolerance of those who insult us, we will feel honor and insult as the same. Just as we feel good when someone praises us, we should feel just as good when we are insulted. Stability in honor or insult is the ability to still have love for our aggressor.— Sri Pramukh Swami Maharaj, Spiritual Guru of BAPS…

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IIT Kanpur Launches Scripture Webstie

Source KANPUR, INDIA, November 28, 2017: The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, has developed a website of Hindu religious scripture including the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas, etc. To the extent they are available, translations are provided in various Indian languages and English, along with commentary by scholars.

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Utah Lawyers, Bhutanese Refugees Team up for Temple

Source SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, November 28, 2017 (Post): A coalition of Salt Lake City attorneys known as the “Refugee Justice League” has begun work to help Bhutanese refugees build a Hindu temple. Thousands of refugees came to Utah in 2008 when the U.S. took in about 60,000 people from the South Asia country Bhutan. The Utah refugees gathered at…

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Daily Inspiration

Source A drop melting into the sea, this everyone can see. But the sea absorbed in a drop–this only a rare one can follow!— Saint Kabir (1440-1518)

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Tirupati Temple Chief Priest Charges Administration with Interference in Rituals

Source INDIA, November 21, 2017 (Swarajyamag): Dr. A.V. Ramana Dikshitulu, head priest of the Lord Venkateswara Temple at Tirumala, has stacked scathing charges against the management of the country’s richest temple, accusing them of blatant interference that is violating the sanctity of the temple. A report in Firstpost said what started as a clash between the priests and the temple…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Rise above the cycle of unhappiness, desire, acquisition, excitement and unhappiness again.— Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher of hinduism today

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IIT Kanpur Announces Scripture Website

Source KANPUR, INDIA, November 19, 2018: IIT Kanpur has developed a website on our treasures of Vedas, Shastras etc. Finally someone from today’s science & technology field, is digging into what has already been done many many years ago. Each shloka is rendered in various languages and scripts, often with commentary and even audio rendering. Currently the site has Srimad…

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Reconfiguring Kerala’s Brahmin Castes

Source INDIA, November 18, 2017 (EPW by O.B. Roopesh): The appointment of Dalit priests to temples in Kerala has been engendered by the growing departure of Brahmin youth from priestly jobs, coupled with existing aspirations of the lower castes to become priests in Brahminical temples. This move is aimed at the formation of a cohesive “Hindu community” through the reconfiguration…

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Daily Inspiration

Source India has come to preserve spiritual traditions which many ancient cultures and countries have lost. Today Hinduism represents not only India but the ancient wisdom of humanity. In Hinduism many ancient countries can still rediscover their religious past, their old Gods and their old spiritual traditions.— Ram Swarup (1920-1998), Indian writer and scholar

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The Forgotten People: On Sri Lankan Refugees

Source INDIA, November 14, 2017 (The Hindu by T. Ramakrishnan): India and Sri Lanka should take up repatriation of Tamil refugees at the earliest. In recent months, the focus of the media has been on the Rohingya refugees in India. But the plight of Sri Lankan refugees, who have been here for nearly 35 years, appears to have gone out…

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