Power of Prayer?: Hindus Hold Ceremonies for Active Volcano Mt. Agung to Pray That Island Is Spared

Source BALI, INDONESIA, September 22, 2017 (Coconuts Bali): Balinese Hindus have been conducting a number of ceremonies at Mt. Agung, trying to prevent a deadly eruption from the volcano, while Muslims across the island have been getting together and likewise praying that the island is spared from a great natural disaster. Agung, a volcano located in Karangasem, Bali, has shown…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The light which shines above heaven, above all the worlds, above everything, that is the same light which is within man. We can perceive it as the warmth in the body. And of it we have this audible proof: when we thus hear, by covering the ears, what is like the rumbling of a carriage, or the bellowing of…

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Provide Concrete Grounds to Impose Curbs on Durga Statue Immersion: HC to Bengal Government

Source KOLKATA, INDIA, September 20, 2017 (Times of India): Questioning the West Bengal government’s curbs on Durga statue immersion, the Calcutta High Court on Wednesday said the State cannot hinder a citizen’s right to practise religion on the basis of a mere assumption of law and order disruption and must provide sound reasons for doing so. “Let them (Hindus and…

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Glimpse of Indian Mathematics

Source MUMBAI, INDIA, August 24, 2017 (Lokvani by K. Arvind): Prof. K. Ramasubramanian from IIT, Mumbai, delivered a lecture titled “Glimpses of Indian Mathematics: Sutra Style to Paragon of Poetry” at MIT on Sunday, August 13, 2017. In this talk, Prof. K. Ramasubramanian offered an illuminating view of Indian Mathematics over the ages, its unique approach based on poetry rather…

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Australian Advertising Watchdog Dismisses Pleas to Ban a Commercial that Shows Ganesha Eating Meat

Source AUSTRALIA, September 20, 2017 (Scroll In): The Advertising Standards Bureau in Australia has dismissed complaints filed by Hindu groups against an advertisement that showed Ganesha eating meat, PTI reported on Tuesday. The commercial, released by Meat and Livestock Australia earlier in September, showed Gods worshiped in different religions sitting down for a meal of lamb. The advertising watchdog rejected…

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Daily Inspiration

Source About many things in Hinduism I had once been inclined to believe that there was much of dream in it, much that was delusion and maya. But now day after day I realized in the mind, I realized in the heart, I realized in the body the truths of the Hindu religion. They became living experiences to me, and…

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Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali All Set to bag $109 Million Mid-Day Meal Contract for Uttar Pradesh Schools

Source INDIA, September 18, 2017 (First Post): Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved Ltd is all set to win a multi-million dollar contract to manage mid-day meals in Uttar Pradesh schools, according to people in the know. Ramdev and his men have been actively lobbying for the US$109 million contract in New Delhi, reaching out to influential cabinet ministers and making representations…

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Hindu Festival in Italy

Source RAPALLO, ITALY, September 10, 2017 (Il Secolo XIX, translated from Italian): The rainy weather warning doesn’t stop the Genoese Tamil Hindus who for the sixth of the seven days of annual celebrations moved to Rapallo on Saturday. The reason? “Because there is a large community here that can’t reach Genoa because of work problems and so we came here,”…

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