Don’t Let California’s Textbooks Demonize India

Source SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, August 17, 2017 (by Vamsee Juluri, The Sacramento Bee):Would any sensible teacher or school official in America today use a textbook that mockingly asked African American students, “How’s your voodoo doing?” Of course not; it is intellectually and morally unacceptable. Moreover, California law clearly forbids any “descriptions, depictions, labels or rejoinders that tend to demean, stereotype, or…

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Ganesha Celebrated in Paris

Source ILE DE FRANCE, FRANCE, August 17, 2017 (by Elsa Marnette): For the first time since the temple of La Courneuve (in the northern Paris suburbs) has been in existence, the God Ganesh was paraded down the street. Several thousand faithful from all over the Paris region rushed to attend this celebration of the elephant-headed God and thank him for…

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$2.1 Million — The British Price of Equality and Moral Values

Source UNITED KINGDOM, August 10, 2017 (National Council of Hindu Temples UK by Pt Satish K. Sharma): The Bank of England announced its decision regarding the use of tallow in pound notes as follows:- “The Bank is today, Thursday 10 August, announcing that after careful and serious consideration and extensive public consultation there will be no change to the composition…

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Rebuttal to Article “The Holy Cows That Weren’t”

Source TEXAS, U.S., August 10, 2017 (Save Temples, by Prakasarao Velagapudi): [HPI adds: The following rebuttal was written to The Wall Street Journal] On behalf of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF)and thousands of Hindus, I want to express my surprise and shock that such a vicious and malicious article entitled “The Holy Cows That Weren’t” written by one Mr. Tunku…

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Daily Inspiration

Source For seven lives in seven bodies the grateful will remember friends who relieved their anguish and affliction.— Saint Tiruvalluvar’s Tirukkural, verse 107

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In a Move Away From Tradition, Cremations Increase in the USA

Source NEW YORK, NEW YORK, August 10, 2017 (New York Times): Now, for the first time, more Americans are being cremated than having traditional burials, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. The cremation rate in 2016 achieved a milestone, edging past 50 percent to 50.2 percent, up from 48.5 percent in 2015, according to a report issued recently by…

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Italian Swami Impresses with Recitation of Sanskrit Shlokas

Source KUNDAIM, INDIA, August 8, 2017 (Times of India): Shree Kshetra Tapobhoomi, Kundaim, the headquarters of the Padmanabh Shishya Sampradaya, at its Shravani Vidya event held on Monday, played host to 61-year-old Italian national, Proietti Flavio, a yoga exponent, who heads Surya Chandra Yoga Ashram in Rome. Flavio, who embraced Hinduism decades ago, is now referred to as the Mahamandaleshwar,…

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Daily Inspiration

Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate destination. Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh (1887-1963), founder of Divine Life Society

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Atheists Tend to Be Seen as Immoral – Even by Other Atheists: Study

Source FRANCE, August 7, 2017 (The guardian): Atheists are more easily suspected of evil deeds than Christians, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists — even by fellow atheists, according to the authors of a new study. The finding suggests that in an increasingly secular world, many — including some atheists — still hold the view that people will do bad things unless…

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Daily Inspiration

Source There are three kinds of devotees. The inferior devotee says, “God is out there” and thinks God is different from His creation. The mediocre devotee says, “God is antaryami, the inner guide who dwells in everyone’s heart;” thus the mediocre devotee sees God within. But the superior devotee sees that God alone is everything, for He has become the…

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