Historical Report: First “Hindoo” Cremation in America

Source ASTORIA, OREGON, November 2, 1906 (saada.org archives): HPI Note: This 109-year-old clipping was found by an HPI reader. It reports what was in fact a Sikh funeral, not a “Hindoo” one. At the this time, anyone from India was called a Hindoo, regardless of their actual religion. We provide the report as originally written: What is believed to be…

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Land of temples in Kalahandi on Path of Recovery

Source BHAWANIPATNA, INDIA, July 28, 2017 (New Indian Express): For the land grabbers, the immovable properties of Deities are easy target. Fifteen temples of Kalahandi Group of Temples, managed by Odisha Hindu Religious Endowment, bear testimony to years of neglect and becoming victims of encroachment. Now there is an attempt by the Group to recover the immovable properties of Deities…

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India Adding New Cultural Centres Abroad

Source INDIA, July 26, 2017 (Press Release): ICCR has 36 Indian Cultural Centres and one Sub-Centre. ICCR has plans to establish new Indian Cultural Centres in Washington and Paris. Cultural Centres overseas are ICCR’s important arms, which play a significant role in the promotion of India’s soft power strength through its variety of activities like facilitating teaching of Indian dance,…

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Kenyans of Indian Descent Become 44th Tribe

Source KENYA, July 22, 2017 (Daily Nation): President Uhuru Kenyatta has gazetted the recognition of the Kenyans of Indian descent as the 44th tribe in Kenya and invited them to participate in the political, economic, cultural and social development of the nation. Acting Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, who made the announcement on Saturday on behalf of the president, noted…

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Daily Inspiration

Source A Swiss devotee visited Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950), the sage of Arunachala. She was disturbed from having a vision of Siva. “Is He not the Destroyer?” she asked. The mystic replied, “Yes, He is the destroyer of sorrows. Siva is the embodiment of auspiciousness.” — Ramana Maharishi

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Participants Sought for Hindu Youth Survey

KAUAI, HAWAII, July 24, 2017 (HPI): Hinduism Today is preparing a story on the religious views of today’s youth raised by Hindu parents, including those who no longer consider themselves particularly religious. We’re prepared a questionnaire in google forms to get a general idea of what each believes, and this is intended to explore a range of religious belief and…

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Trudeau, in Kurta-Pyjama, Does Aarti at Hindu Temple and Hails India-Canada Ties

Source TORONTO, CANADA, July 23, 2017 (Hindustan Times): Clad in emerald green kurta and white pyjamas, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau performed pooja at the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Toronto and said how deeply Canada values the “special” relationship with India. “The relationship between our two countries is truly a special one. It’s a relationship our government and our ministers both…

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Hindu Community Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Temple with Trudeau

Source TORONTO, CANADA, July 24, 2017 (CBC News): Thousands from the Hindu community in Toronto and beyond turned out Saturday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of an iconic temple that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called “without a doubt one of Canada’s architectural wonders.” The celebration of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, temple, located in Etobicoke, also saw His Holiness Mahant…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Peace has three dimensions. Peace within ourselves, peace among nations and peace with nature.— Dada J.P. Vaswani, head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission

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