Daily Inspiration

Source It is fitting to describe the Self as awareness dissolving into itself, as when you come out of it, there is no experience to remember, only a new perspective, a total perspective from which you then view the mind. — Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, publisher of Hinduism Today

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The Problems of Genetics and the Aryan issue

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, June 29, 2017 (The Hindu, by Michel Danino): Tony Joseph’s article (“How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate, June 16) on how recent genetic studies of Indian populations might be “settling the Aryan migration debate” attempts to summarise polemical as well as technical aspects of the contribution of genetics to the debate in question. I will…

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Devotees Relieved as Temple Services, Rituals Spared of GST

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, June 28, 2017 (Times of India): HPI NOTE: Further articles which we will run shortly describe the complex interaction of temple activities with the new Goods and Services Tax. Devotees, who want to fulfil vows in various temples in Tamil Nadu besides sevas, special poojas and taking part in the ritual of pulling gold and silver chariots,…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Do not look upon yoga as something beyond you or as calling for any extraordinary efforts. You can remain in your station of life, carry on your work and at the same time embark on the yogic path. Do japa, prayer, kirtan, meditation and asanas regularly. — Swami Sivanada (1887-1963), founder of Divine Life Society

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Propagandizing the Aryan Invasion Debate: A Rebuttal to Tony Joseph

Source INDIA, June 22, 2017 (India Facts by A.L. Chavda): On June 16, 2017, an article appeared in The Hindu titled “How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate” by Tony Joseph. This article claims that the question of the origin of the Indo-Aryan people has been “settled,” based on the findings of a research paper that was published three…

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Hindus Converge to Pray to Maha Kali

Source FIJI, July 2, 2017 (Fiji Sun): A three-day Hindu ritual and prayer in Vunika Labasa has brought together around 300 people to offer their thanksgiving to their divine mother Maha Kali. Pundit Shiva Sami says this is an annual event for many South Indians in Labasa where they gather at the Vunika Temple and pray for more blessings. Mr.…

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First Batch of Pilgrims Leaves for Amarnath

Source JAMMU, INDIA, June 28, 2017 (The Hindu): The first batch of Amarnath pilgrims left here for the cave shrine in the Kashmir Valley amid extraordinary security arrangements after intelligent inputs cautioned of militant attacks, police said. A total of 2,280 pilgrims left the Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas here for the Himalayan cave shrine in Anantnag district in 72 vehicles…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Association with sages should be made because thoughts are so persistent. The sage has already overcome the mind and remains in peace. Being in his proximity helps to bring about this condition in others, otherwise there is no meaning in seeking his company. The guru provides the needed strength for this, unseen by others. — Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)

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Is Yoga Hindu? International Yoga Day 2017 – Karolina Goswami

Source INDIA, June 20, 2017 (YouTube by Karolina Goswami): It is International Yoga Day tomorrow. But, who created yoga? Is yoga a Hindu practice? Can Christians practice yoga? What is beer yoga or holy yoga? Yoga is being twisted, tampered, modified and even re-named so extensively that now many have even started to wonder if yoga is actually a Hindu…

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Australian Hindus Increase 533% in Last 25 Years, Census Says

Source SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, June 28, 2017 (Latin American Herald Tribune): The Australian population is aging, more ethnically diverse and less religious than in the past, according to the 2016 national census released on Tuesday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. About 95.1 percent of the Australian population responded to the census, which is carried out every five years. The 2016…

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