Daily Inspiration

Source The mind turned inwards is the Self; turned outwards, it becomes the ego and all the world. Cotton made into various clothes we call by various names. Gold made into various ornaments we call by various names. But all the clothes are cotton and all the ornaments gold. The one is real; the many are mere names and forms.…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Stop identifying with the world created by your mind and a new world will open up before you. — Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, spiritual leader, guru, humanitarian of Kerala

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Swami Devanand Book Presentation in Santo Domingo

Source SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, February 7, 2017 (Metro, translated from Spanish): To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Master Swami Guru Devanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, the Yoga Devanand Cultural Center presented the Spanish language works “Contacto con Dios” (Close Encounter with God) and “El Alma: Energia Inagotable” (The Soul: Inexhaustible Energy). The event, celebrated in the Aida Cartagena…

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Can the Swastika Ever Be Redeemed?

Source UNITED STATES, February 9, 2017 (Religion News Service by Kimberly Winston): In one weekend, the swastika appeared in public places in three U.S. cities — Houston, Chicago and New York. The sight was so offensive, average New Yorkers pulled out hand sanitizer and tissues to wipe the graffiti from the walls of the subway where it had been scrawled.…

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Hinduism Today Team Arriving in Sikkim

HPI KAUAI, HAWAII, December 25, 2016: Hinduism Today India correspondent, Mr. Rajiv Malik of Delhi, and photographer Thomas Kelly of Kathmandu are arriving in Sikkim today for a week-long stay reporting mainly on the Hindu religious life of the mountainous state. If you can provide suggestions or contacts with prominent Hindus there, kindly email ar@hindu.org.

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Daily Inspiration

Source Quotations there have been, in superabundance. But what original commentary can you supply from the uniqueness of your particular life? What holy text have you absorbed and made your own? In what ways have these timeless truths renovated your nature? Are you content to be a hollow phonograph, mechanically repeating the words of other men? — Swami Sri Yukteswar…

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Authentic Sandalwood Powder Now Available

Source UNITED STATES, February 9, 2017 (HPI): A huge plantation of Indian Sandalwood in western Australia recently began selling products, after first planting trees in 1999. Many temples and individuals want to use real Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) powder in the temple puja tray and for placing on murthis, rather than the imitation powder that is unfortunately commonly sold. The…

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Rain Accompanies Golden Chariot’s Maiden Journey

Source GEORGE TOWN MALAYSIA, February 8, 2017 (The Star): A heavy downpour, unseen in recent years during Thaipusam, delayed the departure of the silver chariot from Kovil Veedu in Penang Street on Wednesday. The rain, which came pouring down at about 5.20am, pushed the departure of the silver chariot, owned by Nattukotai Chettiar Temple, from 6.30am to 7.20am. However, nearby…

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Hindu Hospital Manager Accused of “Witchcraft” in South Africa

Source DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, February 7, 2017 (IOL): A Northdale Hospital operations manager, who was ordered to remove her Hindu deities from her work locker, is undergoing psychiatric treatment to help her come to terms with the ordeal. Last week, the manager was forced to remove her religious items – which included an incense stick, a statue of Hindu Deity…

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