Daily Inspiration

Source Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too self-full to seek other than itself. — Kabir (1440-1518), mystic Indian poet

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Dangerous Fruit: Mystery of Deadly Outbreaks in India Is Solved

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 31, 2017 (New York Times): Three years ago, Dr. Rajesh Yadav, an investigator with the India Epidemic Intelligence Service, moved to the city of Muzaffarpur, the site of one of the country’s most mysterious outbreaks. And he waited. Every year in mid-May, as temperatures reached scorching heights, parents took children who had been healthy the…

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Russian Court Clears Yoga Teacher of Illegal Missionary Activity

Source RUSSIA, January 18, 2017 (Radio Free Europe): A Russian computer programmer who was accused of conducting illegal missionary work after giving a lecture on yoga has been cleared of the charges by a court in St. Petersburg. The 44-year-old Dmitry Ugay was detained by Russian police in October while giving a talk on the philosophical origins of yoga after…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The wise man should merge his speech in his mind and his mind in his intellect. He should merge his intellect in the Cosmic Mind and the Cosmic Mind in the Tranquil Self. — Katha Upanishad 1.3.13

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Hindus Seen Through Foreign Eyes Over the Centuries

Source INDIA, January 30, 2017 (New Indian Express by Guatam Pingle): Describing the character of an entire group of people is difficult. And, it is almost impossible to describe the character of Hindus–divided by region, language, caste and sect. Nonetheless, foreign observers have attempted the task based on their personal experience. The following is an account of some of these…

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Islamabad City Agency Approves Plot for Hindu Temple, Crematorium

Source ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN, January 29, 2017 (Nation): Capital Development Authority (CDA) has sanctioned a plot for construction of the first Hindu temple and crematorium in federal capital. A letter has been written to Directorate of State Management in this regard and the plot would be handed over to the community through the Auqaf department. However, CDA has conditioned allotment of…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Love, love, love–that is what life is about. Study, pray, meditate, but love, love, love–that is what life is about. All scriptures sing of love. All saints roar of love. All the known prophets continuously demonstrate love. — Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993), founder of Chinmaya Mission

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Basics of Indian Dance Video Posted to YouTube

Source UNITED STATES, January 27, 2017 (YouTube): Introduction to Indian Dance is a nine-minute video developed by the Editors of Hinduism Today Magazine in collaboration with Bharatanatyam dancer Shivani Thakkar of Los Angeles and Dr. Shiva Bajpai, Professor Emeritus of History, California State University Northridge, Los Angeles. It was funded by a grant from Uberoi Foundation and filmed at the…

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Maoists Blamed for Destruction of 1100-Year-Old Ganesha Statue on Bastar Hilltop

Source RAIPUR, INDIA, January 28, 2017 (Times of India): A 1,100-year-old Ganesha statue located atop Dholkal hill in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh, fell from a height of 13,000 feet and broke into pieces in the dense forest area dominated by the Maoists. Experts and conservationists term this a major blow to archaeology. Bastar police believe Maoists pushed the statue off…

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