First Swadeshi Indology Conference

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, September 25, 2016 (Swadeshi Indology): The first Swadeshi Indology Conference was held in Chennai on July 6-7, 2016. A welcome address was given by Prof. K.S. Kannah and the keynote address by the organizer, Rajiv Malhotra. A few themes of the conference: Is Sanskrit dead or alive? Critique of Sheldon Pollock’s views on Shastras Ramayama as a…

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Sri Ramanuja: The Great Integrator

Source INDIA, May 5, 2016 (The Hindu, by Dr. Prema Nandakumar): What makes Sri Ramanuja relevant today? Dr. Prema Nandakumar writes on the saint-philosopher in the context of his 1,000th birth anniversary. One thousand years have gone by. Ten centuries. In India alone, there were so many kingdoms which tried their best to put an end to the religious and…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Everyone has willpower. It is inherent to the makeup of the physical-astral-mental-emotional body. The center of willpower is the manipura chakra, located at the solar plexus. Unlike other energies, the more willpower we use, the more willpower we have to use. This happens when we work a little harder than we think we can, do a little more than…

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Religion Data of Census 2011: XXIX Northeast States

Source INDIA, September 18, 2016 (Center for Policy Studies): Christianity in the Northeast has spread mainly through the conversion of the Scheduled Tribes (STs) of the region. There are numerous tribes that live here; specific tribes often dominate a specific district or even a sub-district. It is fascinating and instructive to look into how the religious demography of different tribes…

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Ganga River Theme for Trindad’s Coming Diwali Nagar

Paras Ramoutar PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, September 23, 2016 (Paras Ramoutar): “Mother Ganga–Mother of the Oceans and Rivers” will be the theme for the 30th edition of Diwali Nagar in Trinidad and Tobago, according to Dr. Deokienanan Sharma, president of the National Council of Indian Culture(NCIC). “This year’s theme has serious and profound religious meaning as Lord Shiva is reputed to hold…

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Sydney Opera House Performance part of “Confluence Festival of India” in Australia

Source SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, September 19, 2016 (Press Information Bureau): A special event for the upcoming Confluence Festival of India in Australia showcased the best of the festival at a gala reception and concert at the iconic venue of the Sydney Opera House last night. The event included the infectious, happy tones of India’s most popular folk band, Raghu Dixit, a…

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US Veterans Administration Revises Policy on Religious Expression

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 21, 2016 (Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty): Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is expressing gratitude to the Department of Veterans Affairs for its recent memorandum to key officials that updates the policy guidance on religious exercise and expression in VA facilities and property. The updated policy guidance allows outside groups and individuals to sing religious songs during…

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Canada Mints Diwali Gold and Silver Coins

Source CANADA, September 20, 2016 (Canada Mint): The Canadian Mint has issued a Diwali coin by Canadian artist Meera Sethi. The coin is inspired by the colorful Indian folk art of Rangoli, which traditionally adorns entrances and floors during Diwali. Within the geometric and floral-inspired pattern lie numerous cultural symbols that represent the “Festival of Lights” as a cherished multi-ethnic…

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Daily Inspiration

Source The practice of yoga is not for ourselves alone, but for the Divine; its aim is to work out the will of the Divine in the world, to effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down a divine nature into the life of humanity. It is not personal ananda, but the bringing down of the divine ananda, the Satya…

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