California Department of Education Recruiting Textbook Reviewers

Source CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, July 28, 2016 (press release): California has recently revised its history Framework for grade VI (equivalent to sixth standard in India). This document outlines what is to be in the textbooks. Sixth grade covers all ancient civilizations and has extensive chapters on Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions, whether living or extinct. Christianity and Islam are covered…

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The Saga of the Sarasvati River

Source INDIA, July 25, 2016 ( by Michel Danino): For some reason, unless it is for no reason, the word “mythical” has come to stick to the bygone Sarasvati river, with most mass media articles about its supposed “rediscovery” religiously starting with it. Unfortunately, rarely if ever have their authors researched what they write about. And since cutting-edge technology sells…

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U.S. Department of Education Takes Actions to Address Religious Discrimination

Source USA, July 25, 2016 ( Press Release): As part of ongoing efforts to encourage respect for students of all faiths and beliefs, the U.S. Department of Education today shared a series of actions that confront discrimination and promote inclusive school environments. The steps include a new website on religious discrimination, an updated civil rights complaint form, an expanded survey…

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Daily Inspiration

Source To say “through silence He is realized” is not correct, because Supreme Knowledge does not come “through” anything. Supreme Knowledge reveals Itself. — Anandamayi Ma

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Tamil Nadu CM Thanks Harish Rawat for Promising to Install Valluvar Statue

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, July 23, 2016 (Deccan Chronicle): Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Friday wrote to her Uttarakhand counterpart Harish Rawat thanking him for taking steps to install the Thiruvalluvar statue within the government Mela Bhavan in Haridwar. “I am grateful that you have responded speedily and positively to the outpouring of sentiments of the people of TN on this sensitive…

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Daily Inspiration

Source You may develop a thousand virtues and be reckoned as the greatest in the land. But the lotus of your heart will not blossom until you receive the grace of the Guru, the grace of God!— Dada Sadhu Vaswani

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Be a California Textbook Reviewer

Source SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, July 21, 2016 (Hindu American Foundation): In order to ensure an accurate and balanced portrayal of Hinduism and ancient India, Hindu American community members in California are urged to apply to become reviewers for the state’s textbook adoption process. This process, which concludes in 2017, selects new History-Social Science textbooks for grades K-8. Between now and October…

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Five Star Mayor of Turin to Create Italy’s First Vegetarian City

Source TURIN, ITALY, July 21, 2016 (The Guardian): From vitello tonnato – veal with tuna sauce – to beef braised in the Piedmont region’s most famous red wine, brasato al Barolo, meat dishes have been central to the food tradition of northern Italy for centuries. But Chiara Appendino, the new mayor of Turin and a force in the populist Five…

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