Technology Saves 3 Temples from Demolition

Source INDIA, July 21, 2016 (The Hindu): Each time a highway road is widened, anything in the way including temples, trees, homes, and school buildings are removed for the carriageway, with few exceptions. Recently, three temples situated adjacent to national highways have been physically lifted and moved from the roads. “We have shifted temples in Hosur, Kallakurichi and Ambur using…

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Chinmaya Mission Set to Open Its First University in India

Source INDIA, July 20, 2016 (Chinmaya University): We are delighted to announce that the Government of India has granted in-principle approval for the establishment of Chinmaya Mission’s first university, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth. The University will be a deemed University for Sanskrit and Indian Knowledge and Traditions, including Performing Arts, in the de novo category for preservation of our cultural heritage. The…

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Years-Long Advocacy for Reform and Equity in California Textbooks for Hindu, Indian and South Asian History Concludes with the Approval of the New Framework

Source SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, July 21, 2016 (Diya TV): State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced Thursday that the State Board of Education approve the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools, which will update and upgrade history and social science instruction in California. Leaders of the Hindu American Foundation also announced Thursday that important progress had been made in…

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Residents Turn to Elephant God to End Jumbo Deaths

Source COIMBATORE, INDIA, July 9, 2016 (The Hindu): When Vikas Muntot wanted to do something, agitated as he was over the frequent elephant deaths in Coimbatore, he looked to none other than the elephant-headed God for help. The 22-year-old businessman from Rajasthan, who has made the city his home, organized a Maha Ganapathy Yagam (special prayer to Lord Vinayaga) on…

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Bottled Ganga Water Makes a Splash at India’s Post Offices

Source CALCUTTA, INDIA, July 15, 2016 (Latin American Herald Tribune): Hindu devotees have rushed to post offices across India this week in hopes of snatching up the first deliveries of holy water from the Ganga. The new scheme, which was launched by the central government on Sunday, allows water from the Ganga river, known as Gangajal, to be put up…

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Think Tank Calls for Repeal of UK’s Caste Discrimination Clause

Source GREAT BRITAIN, June 2, 2016 (New Asian Post): The influential think tank, the Dharmic Ideas Policy Foundation, is urging Asian voluntary organizations to join it in calling for a repeal of the caste discrimination clause provision in the Equality Act 2010. The Foundation believes that voluntary organizations and community groups are unaware of the huge implications of its effect…

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Daily Inspiration

Source As to a mountain that’s enflamed, deer and birds do not resort–so, with knowers of God, sins find no shelter.— Krishna Yajur Veda, Maitreya Upanishads 6.18

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$224 Million Projects for Religious Tourism Okayed

Source NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 13, 2016 (Times of India): The government has cleared projects worth over US$ 224 million under three schemes – Ramayana circuit, Krishna circuit and Buddhist circuit – as part of its focus on religious tourism. The projects helmed by the tourism ministry are spread primarily over UP, and Bihar and will develop infrastructure including road…

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Tulsi Gabbard Asks California Board to Describe Hinduism Accurately

Source WASHINGTON, U.S., July 12, 2016 (Silicon India): California State Board of Education is in the final stages of revising and updating the K-12 History-Social Science Framework for public schools. Tulsi Gabbard, the first ever Hindu elected to the US House of Representatives, has asked a Californian educational board to give Hinduism its due place in school textbooks and not…

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