Daily Inspiration

Source O Mother! Let all my speech be your prayer; let all my crafts and technology be your worship and be the mystic gestures of my hand, adorning you. May all my movements become your devotional circumambulations. May everything I eat or drink be oblations to you. Let my lying down in rest and sleep be prostrations to you. Mother!…

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Christians Ask: Why Is the United Nations Promoting Yoga?

Source UNITED STATES, June 21, 2016 (Christian Science Monitor): On Dec. 11, 2014 a wildly popular resolution was introduced to the United Nations General Assembly. A record number of countries – 177 – were willing to co-sponsor, making it so popular, it was adopted without a vote. But the resolution was not so much a political posture, as a physical…

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Is Christiainty Disappearing?

Source GREAT BRITAIN, May 27, 2016 (The Guardian, editorial): Is the end of western Christianity in sight? The most recent British Social Attitudes data shows that “No religion” is now by far the largest single identification in England and Wales. It is very nearly half the adult population, and more that twice the proportion who self-identify as Anglican; it is…

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Afghanistan’s Dwindling Sikh, Hindu Communities Flee Abuses

Source KABUL, AFGHANISTAN, June 24, 2016 (by Hamid Shallizi, Reuters): On a bright day in downtown Kabul, Jagtar Singh Laghmani was in his traditional herb shop when a man turned up, drew a knife and told him to convert to Islam or he would cut his throat. Only bystanders and other shopkeepers saved his life. The incident earlier this month…

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500 Stolen Antique Statues Seized by Tamil Nadu Police

Source CHENNAI, INDIA, June 21, 2016 (Hue Wire): The Tamil Nadu Police have seized around 500 stolen antique statues of Hindu deities from an alleged smuggler masquerading as an art collector. Many of the statues are over a thousand years old. The statues recovered include 254 ancient stone statues, 54 panchaloha statues, 28 wooden artefacts and 151 antique art works…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world.— Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950)

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India, His Beacon of Light

Source INDIA, June 16, 2016 (The Hindu by Suganthy Krishnamachari): My curiosity is aroused when I hear that a student of Western philosophy from Denmark, is doing his Ph.D in Saiva Siddhanta in the Sanskrit Department, University of Madras. I meet Mikael Stamm one afternoon, and he explains why he was disenchanted with Western philosophy. “I didn’t like its rejection…

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Six Central Universities to Have Yoga Departments

Source INDIA June 18, 2016 (Press Information Bureau): Six Central Universities will have full fledged Yoga departments from academic session 2016-17 and the number would be raised to 20 within one year. These six universities are Hemwati Nandan Bahugana Garhwal University, Uttrakhand (North), Viswa Bharti, West Bengal (East), Central University of Rajasthan (West), Central University of Kerala (South), Indira Gandhi…

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