19th Sandeepany Vedanta Course in English

INDIA, July 2, 2023 (Sandeepany Chinmaya Mission): Chinmaya Mission invites applications for the 19th Vedanta Course commencing on Makara Sankranti, 15 January 2024. The Mukhya Acharya for the Course is Swami Swaroopananda, the Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, and the Resident Acharya is Swami Advayananda. The two year residential Vedanta Course, to be conducted at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai, provides…

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Festive Spirit Engulfs Baltal as Locals Set up Tents, Bolstering Amarnath Pilgrims’ Experience

GANDERBAL, KASHMIR, June 30, 2023 (Rising Kashmir): Baltal, the shortest route leading to the sacred Amarnath Holy Cave, is awash with a celebratory atmosphere as local residents from various areas of Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district fervently install tents to ensure a seamless experience for the pilgrims undertaking the upcoming Yatra. Scheduled to commence on July 1, this annual pilgrimage serves…

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Theyyam: The Indian Trance Where Men Become Gods

INDIA, June 29, 2023 (BBC by Tim Bird): With nearly 1.5 billion people and 330 million Hindu Deities, India has no shortage of religious festivals and performances. Yet one of the most ancient and mesmerizing is theyyam, which takes place in the southern state of Kerala and parts of neighboring Karnataka. Meaning “God” or the “incarnation of God”, theyyam is…

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Hinduism Today July Issue Now On-Line

Hinduism Today is available online free of charge July 1st at http://www.hinduismtoday.com. You can also download our free Hinduism Today app and get the entire magazine in a mobile-friendly format for your device at hinduismtoday.com/​get-the-app/. Our cover story is on Nepal’s remarkable rudraksha bead industry which generates a full six percent of the nation’s Gross National Product each year. Reporter…

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Shri Jagannath Rath Yatra Taken Out With Fervor In Himachal Pradesh

NAHAN, INDIA, June 25, 2023 (Outlook India): Jagannath Rath Yatra was taken out in this Himachal Pradesh town with fervor on Sunday with tens of thousands of residents participating in the holy procession and paying obeisance to the Deity. Religious leaders of all sects of society, including Muslims and Sikhs, welcomed the Rath Yatra at different places in the town.…

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Thousands of Devotees Arrive In Puri for Lord Jagannath’s Rath Yatra

PURI, INDIA, June 20, 2023 (Indian Express): Thousands of devotees have congregated at this seaside pilgrim town for Lord Jagannath’s annual Ratha Yatra on Tuesday for which the Odisha government has made elaborate arrangements, officials said. As many as 180 platoons (1 platoon comprises 30 personnel) of security forces were deployed in Puri, said Transport Commissioner Amitabh Thakur. A total…

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Swindon Celebrates Rath Yatra Hindu Festival for First Time

UNITED KINGDOM, June 21, 2023 (BBC): Rath Yatra — or Chariot Festival — attracts millions in India and has now been celebrated in Swindon, Wiltshire, for the first time. The festival procession started from the Swindon Hindu Centre. It featured a colorful chariot, a flag flown in from a temple in India and some special offerings, chanting and dancing. Amala…

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