India’s Hampi UNESCO Site Remains Top Tourist Stop

Source KARNATAKA, INDIA , May 27, 2016 (Euro News):The site of Hampi, in India’s southwestern state of Karnataka, was the capital of the last great Hindu Kingdom of Vijayanagar. The empire prospered between the 14th and 16th centuries until destroyed by Muslim armies. It received UNESCO World Heritage status in 1986. To this day, it remains a very popular destination…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Love is the source of understanding. You know intellectually that within you resides the potential, expressed or not, for all human emotion, thought and action. Yet, you no doubt meet or observe people occasionally whose life and actions are repellent or unacceptable to you. The absence of love has created a vacuum of understanding. For the meditating person, there…

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Harvard to Offer On-Line Course in Hinduism Starting in July

Source CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, May 26, 2016 ( This religion course introduces the rich and diverse textual sources from which millions of Hindus have drawn religious inspiration for millennia. The Bhagavad Gita has offered philosophical insights to a number of modern thinkers. This course will introduce important passages from important Hindu sacred texts, their interpretations by moderns and will give you…

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Myanmar’s Hindu Community

Source MYANMAR, May 18, 2016 (Frontier): Signs of a vibrant Hindu community are everywhere in downtown Yangon; ornate temples peer out from between the tenements, and periodic festivals enliven the streets with rhythmic music, colorful costumes and offerings of sweet masala chai. With their roots in several waves of Indian migration during the British colonial era, Myanmar’s Hindus are thoroughly…

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Daily Inspiration

Source It is far easier to conquer others than to conquer oneself, because the former can be attained by recourse to outside means, while the latter can be achieved only with one’s own mind.— Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948)

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US Textbook Row: Victory for Indian-Americans as California Not to Replace “India” with “South Asia”

Source WASHINGTON D.C., US., May 20, 2016 (First Post): A California commission — mandated with recommendation and revision of school textbooks — has rejected demands of replacing India with South Asia for pre-1947 references, which had become a major bone of contention from various academic groups in the US. The California Department of Education’s (CDE) Instructional Quality Commission (IQC), at…

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Daily Inspiration

Source Eternal, pure, groundless, death-and-birth free, pervasive, ever immaculate, distant, near, enveloping effulgence of void, the support of all, the fullness of bliss, the consciousness-form beyond thought and speech, That which thus stood, the expanse vast that generates bliss, let us contemplate.— Tayumanavar (1706-1744), South Indian devotional poet

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