FAQs About California Legislative Bill AB2282 about the Swastika

CALIFORNIA, June 3, 2022 (Hindu American Foundation): AB2282 will make California the first state to: 1) Recognize the swastika as a symbol of peace to the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist communities in its penal code, adding a layer of protection; and 2) Identify the Nazi emblem as the “hakenkreuz” and “hooked cross”. These are two monumental victories in recognizing and…

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California Assembly Passes Bill Legally Recognizing Swastika as Different Than Nazi Emblem, the Hakenkreuz

CALIFORNIA, U.S., May 30, 2022 (Hindu American Foundation): The California State Assembly passed AB.2282, taking a historic step and leading the nation as the first state legislative body to legally recognize the difference between the swastika and the Nazi emblem, the hakenkreuz. HAF’s Fremont-based Managing Director, Samir Kalra, Esq., stated “HAF and Assemblywoman Bauer-Kahan both recognize that the passage of…

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The Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Are Going Vegan

UNITED KINGDOM, May 30, 2022 (BBC): Laurence Candy is not only giving up farming animals, he is looking to get vegan accreditation. It was after Laurence Candy lost most of his dairy herd to bovine tuberculosis that he decided he would no longer send animals to the slaughterhouse. “It made me wonder if we can justify the industrial slaughter of…

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Hindu and Buddhist Groups Express Strong Disappointment Regarding California Assembly’s Passage of Bill AB2282 on Swastika

BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA, May 27, 2022 (COHNA): The Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) expressed its strong disappointment around California Assembly’s decision to pass Bill AB2282, titled “Hate crimes: nooses, crosses, and swastikas,” whose purpose is to criminalize the display of hate symbols. While the bill is well meaning, it perpetuates confusion by once again using false and hateful…

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ASI Says Deities in Qutub Minar Complex Can’t Be Worshipped

NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 24, 2022 (Tribune India): Amid a raging controversy over claims and counter-claims on historic monuments, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) on Tuesday opposed before a Delhi court a plea demanding restoration of worship of Hindu and Jain Deities inside the Qutub Minar complex. The ASI, which has the mandate to protect and preserve ancient monuments,…

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Buddhist Chaplains on the Rise in US, Offering Broad Appeal

PORTLAND, OREGON, May 15, 2022 (AP News): Wedged into a recliner in the corner of her assisted living apartment in Portland, Skylar Freimann, who has a terminal heart condition and pulmonary illness, anxiously eyed her newly arrived hospital bed on a recent day and worried over how she would maintain independence as she further loses mobility. There to guide her…

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