United Colors of Holi

UNITED STATES, March 20, 2022 (Press Release by Ajay Shah): Over 110 major American Hindu organizations and temples have joined together to celebrate Holi festival as United Colors of Holi to celebrate diversity and unity in our country. For thousands of years, Holi, the festival of color, has celebrated the advent of spring and the end of winter, the victory…

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Great Besakih Temple Complex in Bali Being Revitalized

JAKARTA, INDONESIA, March 7, 2022 (Antara News): Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry is currently revitalizing the Great Besakih Temple complex in Karangasem District, Bali Province, to facilitate the activities of worshipers and tourists. “Usually, the area will be very crowded when the temple holds a big religious celebration. Hence, we are…

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How Indians View Gender Roles in Families and Society

WASHINGTON, D.C. March 2, 2022 (Pew Forum): More than half a century ago, India was one of the first countries in the world to elect a woman as prime minister, and the country currently has several highly influential women politicians, including Sonia Gandhi, the head of one of the major national parties. Today, most Indians say that “women and men…

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The Do’s and Dont’s of Nyepi Day in Bali

BALI, INDONESIA, February 27, 2022 (Balidiscovery.com): Nyepi is 24 hours of absolute silence imposed on the island of Bali from 6:00 am on Thursday, March 3, 2022, until 6:00 am the following morning. During this period, Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport is closed to all flights; the seaports closed, ferry services suspended, people confined to their homes, and tourists are not…

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Indonesian Hindus hold Melasti ceremony before celebrating Nyepi Day

Published: Mar 01, 2022 09:26 AM BALI, INDONESIA, March 1, 2022 (Xinhua): HPI note: This is a set of three colorful photos of the event before the “Day of Silence.” The first shows them praying on Cangu Beach in Bali, the second, another angle of the event and the third (above), shows the worship out on an ocean-side rock. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202203/1253553.shtml

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Holi Celebrations Set to Go Ahead at UK’s Oriental Museum

UNITED KINGDOM, February 24, 2022 (Palatinate): Durham University’s Oriental Museum is reviving Holi celebrations after two years of the pandemic restricting activities. Celebrations will be taking place on Saturday 12 March, 12-5pm. Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, is the Indian Spring Festival. It is a two-day Hindu festival which originated in India, and celebrates the triumph of…

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Canadian Province Produces Excellent Educational Resource on Hinduism

MANITOBA, CANADA, February 16, 2022 (Manitoba Education): A 126-page Canadian resource guide on Hinduism for grade 12 World Religions was released in 2019 for Manitoba province schools. It has excellen tchapters on: What is Hinduism, Key Writings and Scriptures, Foundational Beliefs, Concepts and Ideas, Historical Figures, Practices, Rituals, Symbols, and Celebrations, Modern Hinduism Challenges, and much more. It explains that…

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An Ancient Language Has Defied Translation for 100 Years. Can AI Crack the Code?

KARACHI, PAKISTAN, February 8, 2022 (Restofworld.org): Jiaming Luo grew up in mainland China thinking about neglected languages. When he was younger, he wondered why the different languages his mother and father spoke were often lumped together as Chinese “dialects.” When he became a computer science doctoral student at MIT in 2015, his interest collided with his advisor’s long-standing fascination with…

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Reviving Tourism in Nepal

NEPAL, February 7, 2022 (Press Release, by Tenzin Norbu): During the pandemic Nepal has invested a lot of energy in building world class hotels, resorts, and guesthouses. Roads are now improved and plantations have been started. Many people are more conscious of the environment and concerned with producing less carbon. Nepal is now open to tourists. You can get the…

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