The Changing Face of Dharma in America

KAUAI, HAWAII, July 9, 2021 (Hinduism Today by Lavina Melwani): The flourishing of Hinduism in America has generated many questions. How does one answer them? A snapshot of our history in America can start by showing how far we’ve come. When the first Indian immigrants came to America in the 1900s, all were simply known as “the Hindoos”–no matter what…

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Quote of the Day

Whenever you have the chance, laugh as much as you can. By this all the rigid knots in your body will be loosened. But to laugh superficially is not enough; your whole being must be united in laughter, both inwardly and outwardly. Do you know how this is to be expressed? You literally shake with merriment from head to foot;…

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The Governor of DKI Jakarta Leads the Groundbreaking of the Tamil Hindu House of Worship

JAKARTA, INDONESIA, February 14, 2020 ( | The Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan today attended the laying of the first stone for the house of worship for Hindus, especially ethnic Tamils, on Jalan Bedugul, Kalideres, West Jakarta on land donated by the government. The event was also attended by the Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Pradeep Kumar Rawat, and various parties from…

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Quote of the Day

Alas for me, I cannot rest. This floating bubble, Earth. Its hollow form, its hollow name, its hollow death and birth. For me is nothing. How I long to get beyond the crust of name and form! Ah, open the gates; to me they open must. Open the gates of Light, O Mother to me, Thy tired son. I long,…

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Meet the Lion Sage: Saivism for Children

KAUAI, HAWAII, July 5, 2021 (Hinduism Today): Welcome to Lion Sage, a spiritual adventure for children. Adapting an earlier work by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, called Mystic Mouse, the editors of Hinduism today magazine enlisted Ashley Moore in California to redraw all of the art, adding color and her creative ability to tell stories with graphics. Lion Sage is a child’s version…

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Quote of the Day

Just as, when we touch a live wire, the electric force infuses itself into our body, when we deeply meditate on God the power of the whole universe seeks entry into our personality. Swami Krishnananda, General Secretary, Divine Life Society

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Key Findings About Religion in India

INDIA, June 29, 2021 (Pew Research): India’s massive population is diverse as well as devout. Not only do most of the world’s Hindus, Jains and Sikhs live in India, but it also is home to one of the world’s largest Muslim populations and to millions of Christians and Buddhists. A new Pew Research Center report, based on a face-to-face survey…

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Now Is a Good Time to Update Your Plans

KAUAI, HAWAII, July 3, 2021 (Hinduism Today by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami): The COVID-19 pandemic is proving itself a time when the daily difficulties faced by individuals and families are far greater than usual. Under the stresses of lockdown, masks and social distancing, life may be overly focused on the current moment’s challenges without giving adequate thought to the future. Seeing…

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