Letters to the Editor 7-2024

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Kashmir Story

Thank you for printing the story “New Temple Signals a Peaceful Turn for Kashmir” (Jan/Feb/Mar 2024). This is a real heart-warming essay in more than one way. The friendship extended by Muslims and the dedication of those involved in creating the temple is unbelievable. I salute all of them, the Hindus as well as the Muslims in successfully consecrating the Sharda Temple. I also thank Sringeri Shankaracharya Math in Karnataka and the writer of the story, Smt. Choodie Sivaram.

Jayendra Thakaru 


Excellent article! An example of true journalism, journalism of courage and bravery. Journalists, especially the Western-oriented Communists and Congress-supporter so-called writers and journalists, historians and academics should read this and learn from this. There is always negative reporting about India—especially after the abrogation of clause 370 from the constitution—without understanding the facts, without knowing what is happening in Kashmir and what India is doing. 

We hope we will be able to visit Mata Sharada and other parts of Kashmir in the coming days if Bharat continues to move like this. Well done, Choodie Shivaram! Congratulations!

Chiran Paudyal


This article describing rebuilding Mata Sharada Temple and its pratishtapana in 2023 at Teetwal instills pride in the heart of every follower of Sanathana Dharma. It is elaborately and eloquently written, giving geographical position, photos, history to provide an in-depth look at the situation prevailing in Kashmir over the past centuries and an ideal harmony existing between communities. The efforts of the Save Sharada Peeth committee are commendable, kindling the hope of Sharada Peeta Yatra in the near future.

Meenakshi Mohan 



We deeply appreciate the service rendered by your publication. Congratulations also on the Consecration of the Iraivan Temple. We watched the videos with great interest and appreciation for the beauty of the temple and traditions. 

Editor, Integral Yoga Magazine


Hindu Identity

I enjoyed reading Fred Stella’s article, “A Hindu-Sort of…” (Apr/May/Jun 2024). The question of who can call themselves a Hindu transcends narrow definitions and rigid boundaries. Rooted in ancient scriptures, elucidated by sages and interpreted by Hinduism experts, the essence of Hindu identity lies in spiritual realization, ethical conduct, and engagement with its rich heritage. As the Rigveda declares, “Truth is one, the wise call it by various names,” affirming the inclusivity, plurality and universality of Hindu principles.

Whether born into the tradition or drawn to its teachings later in life, anyone who embraces the quest for self-discovery, inner growth and ethical living can rightfully claim affiliation with Hinduism. As the diverse perspectives within Hinduism illustrate, the essence of Hindu identity lies not in external labels or rituals but in the transformative power of spiritual wisdom and universal values.  

Pradeep Srivastava


Historical Inscriptions

I enjoyed reading “Temple Inscriptions, Illuminating the Pivotal Role of Ancient Hindu Temples in the Preservation of South India’s History Encapsulated by Chronicles Carved in Stone” (Apr/May/Jun 2023). I often wonder, as I walk through Srirangam Ranganatha temple, what the inscriptions carved on the walls are saying. These writings are in different South Indian languages from various time periods through history. The ceiling paintings, which have partially survived over time, the sculptures and the lofty granite architecture are breathtaking. These structures have survived for more than a millennia, yet our modern roads don’t last a year. I would love to know if our Indian archaeology has any links or research into the writing, painting and sculpture work at Srirangam Ranganatha temple.

Vidya Suresh


Miniature Masterwork

The article “Exploring India’s Miniature Painting Tradition” (Apr/May/Jun 2019) introduces us to a world of beauty and intricacy. These paintings, despite their small size, are filled with immense detail and artistry, showcasing stories, landscapes and cultural nuances with incredible precision. The vibrant colors and meticulous techniques are truly awe-inspiring. Each miniature painting is a masterpiece in its own right, reflecting the rich artistic heritage of India. This article does a wonderful job of introducing readers to this fascinating tradition, offering a glimpse into a world where artistry knows no bounds. Looking forward to delving deeper into the world of Indian miniature paintings.



Hinduism and Science

I appreciate the beautiful way Mr. Cavalli writes this article (“Hinduism’s Enduring Respect for Science,” Oct/Nov/Dec 2023). He delivers poignant information without beating around the bush. Direct and to the point. I look forward to reading his next article.



Diwali Festival

I would like to draw your attention to two points for the article on Diwali in the Oct/Nov/Dec 2023 issue. 1) It is stated in the “Tidbits” section that Ravana effigies are burned on Diwali day. To my knowledge, Ravana effigies are burned on Vijaya Dashami—the day of Ram’s triumph over Ravana. Diwali was the time of Ram’s return to Ayodhya. 2) A suggestion for the future: the article would be enriched by explaining that Diwali is actually a five-day family celebration with each day dedicated to a special purpose: 1) house cleaning, 2) decoration, 3) Lakshmi puja, 4) visiting friends and relatives, and 5) cele­brating the bond between siblings. 

Yatin Samant


Insights on Yoga

Namaste! What a pure and simple flow of insight to understand, dwelling on the importance of yoga (“A Youthful Primer About Hinduism’s Eight-Limbed System of Meditation and Spiritual Striving,” Jan/Feb/Mar 2024). Personally, I feel the clarity in thought that is essential to imbibe Patanjali’s prescribed eight limbs of Yoga. Thanks so much for your writing style in keeping the mystery of yoga, which is muddled so much on the social media with incongruent postures. As a principal of a pre-k-12 school, I have taken the liberty to provide your link to parents as a resource to appreciate the essence of our Sanatana Dharma, or Eternal Truth.

Sharadaprasad Ramadevanahalli


Take Pride in Your Hinduness!

To the author of “My Unfortunate Conversion, How Christian evangelists … lured me into joining their faith” (Apr/May/Jun 2022), you were lucky, very lucky that you came back! It is sad that people belonging to Indic faiths have been made (still happening) to feel guilty about what they worship and are even derided as Satanic worshipers, idolaters, polytheists.

Nowadays if anyone professes to be a proud Hindu (this would not mean hating other religions), they are labeled as Sanghis or pro-Hindutva. It’s the same old strategy that I see being played out. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but abuse is not welcome. One of my college professors said, “To the Westerners, Hinduism is mythology, but Christianity is full of miracles.” Technically, the word mythology might be correct, but sadly, very sadly, it is used exclusively for religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.



Saiva Siddhanta in Hawaii

Hi. I am from Tamil Nadu, the place where great siddhars like Tirumular and the Nayanmars spread Sanatana Dharma. But nowadays, even here, people have started forgetting Lord Shiva, Muruga and Shaiva Siddhanta as a whole. They have become an enemy of Vedas and Hinduism. New political parties have started saying that Iraivan Shiva and Murugan (Karttikeya) are not Gods, but mere humans. But when I saw Kauai’s Hindu Monastery and learned of the monks’ works to reinstate Shaiva Siddhanta dharma, I literally got tears. My namaskarams to the Swamijis who have dedicated their lives for dharma. Hinduism Today magazine is awesome; it’s an eye opener for all Hindus.

Abinav Vinayak V


Helping Swamis & Swaminis Keep the Philosophy Alive

Our magazine is a far-reaching medium for Hinduism’s leaders and their message

Hinduism today regularly carries a column called Minister’s Message, which features inspired outpourings from distinguished swamis and swaminis. These great souls have much to say, much to teach, and much to remind people of. It is, in part, our magazine’s mission to help them be better known and heard.

On page 16 of the Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 issue, Swami Advayananda, President of Chinmaya International Foundation, delineates frankly what keeps people bound up in externalities and unable to dive within themselves, where they would find finer, more satisfying principles to live by. The obstacles, he explains, are usually habit and plain, ordinary desire. Thoughtlessly, one wants to “bask in the warmth of the external world of glittering objects and eke out small tinsels of ephemeral pleasures.” Thus, people tend to keep going round and round until finally they decide firmly to turn within. 

In the Apr/May/Jun  2020 edition, Swami Avdheshanand Giri Maharaj, Acharya Mahamandaleshwar of the Juna Akhara, says, “To attain perfection, one has to follow the six indispensable steps: selfless service, self-assessment, companionship of righteous people, patience through self-discipline, tenacity in beholding spirituality and self-development. When one understands these six steps in a true sense and abides by them firmly, his consciousness awakes, his conscience gets cleared and his thoughts enlightened.” 

A decade ago, in the Jan/Feb/Mar 2013 issue, it was the turn of His Holiness Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji, head of Shri Chitrapur Math, Karnataka: “Concentration on a mantra helps a beginner, in particular, to hold other thoughts at bay until one realizes that he is learning to surrender to a divine force that exists within and without. Consistency helps the seeker to shed all the negativity within until he understands that ‘pure’ is not what he has to become. ‘Pure’ is who he is!”

These apt thoughts are worthy of disseminating. Even when they are not applied immediately, the listener has nonetheless heard them, and the philosophy is kept alive deep within him. That is perhaps the ultimate effect swamis have had through the millennia: keeping the philosophy and the religion alive—at times perhaps in seed form, awaiting the right time and circumstance to bloom and be the answer to devotees’ prayers. 

Help your magazine continue to preserve that blessed tradition by helping it to remain financially strong and secure. 

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