Letters to the Editor 1-2022

Yoga and Human Biology

Thank you very much for an excellent article “Yoga’s affect on human biology” (Oct/Nov/Dec 2021). I really enjoyed reading it and will be sharing it with my family and friends.  

Ramesh Koripella

Albuquerque, New Mexico


Perspectives on the Swastika 

With reference to the HPI (Hindu Press International) article “Re-Vilifying Swastika” (July 31, 2020): At Balmoral, Scotland, just outside the gates to the Scottish residence of the British Royal Family, there is a stone memorial to those fallen in the First World War. Around the three edges of the plinth are engraved myriads of small swastikas. There is no doubt that this was in deference to Britain’s relationship with India, and the sacrifices of Indian troops and people in WWI. 

Of course, the colonial occupation of India by the East India Company, and then the British Crown, has in recent years rightly come under much review for its profound injustices, exploitation and plundering of the nations resources. But, just after WWI, the British no doubt still viewed “British India” with rose-tinted spectacles, and the engraving of the swastikas is an act of respect. 

When we lived in Scotland, I used occasionally to check if the engravings were still there. In these awful times of both discovering and negating historical truths and events, I feared that the swastikas would be removed to appease the “pc” brigade, for the same reasons that dreadfully selfish, misguided and narrow-minded American Christians are trying to vilify the swastika in educational documents. I am certain that Jesus would not have approved. We have moved a long way from the truths propounded for the benefit of humanity by Him and Mohammed. 

 Clive & Puvaneswary Roberts


John Adams’ View of Hinduism 

This excellent article is evidentiary support that some of the greatest political minds America ever produced were not supporters of the biased exclusiveness that the uneducated dogmatists love to “flag wave” (Jul/Aug/Sep, 2021). It is refreshing to see young bright Hindus lay claim to their country (America the beautiful) and help to enlighten it.

For me, as a Canadian by birth but raised in the United States, the power of Hindu thinking in my first year of college was a most liberating experience. My first course in Asian studies, with introductions to Gandhi, Tagore, and Vedic wisdom through the Upanishads collided with the Judaic Christian suggestions at the time. I found the profound possibilities within these teachings more inspiring than anything I had ever been exposed to.

These all-inclusive Hindu perspectives were further supported in English literature with exposure to Emerson and Thoreau. I wondered how all this had escaped being mentioned in my earlier education and now applaud the relentless work of those who are committed to refashioning it. 

Deva Seyon


I was looking for info on Hinduism in America’s founding, and you provided it. Adams is one of our great founders, and I was glad to read his opinion on Hinduism. Likewise, your information on the Greeks being influenced by Hinduism was also super. Good job. Thanks for your work.



Along the Ganga

Dev Raj jee, I enjoyed so much reading your article “Along the Lesser-Known Ganga Below Haridwar” (Jul/Aug/Sept 2021). This is a great account. I deeply admire the way you articulated the customs, heritage and cultures which survived despite invasions. Each event you described has all dimensions, the leisure, entertainment, yet the reverence to Ma Ganga, as you said. Devotion and honor in the minds of people can be so easily understood through your lucid descriptions. For example, the Pehran ceremony is so romantic yet so respecting. Thank you very much for this travelog!

Girish Kale


What a wonderful virtual journey! I love the way you connected the Ganga lore to the Mahabharata, bringing history to life. Thank you for your hard work, especially during a pandemic! Namaste.

Swamini VishwaPratibha


Raksha Bandhan 

Raksha Bandhan is a special day. Every year I wish to be with my brother on this day but have not been able to in the past few years. Thanks for sharing the beautiful blog “Raksha Bandhan, the Family Festival” (Oct 1994). 



Nepal Youth Speak Out

The article about Nepalese Hindus was well written (Apr/May/Jun 2021). I got to know a lot about Nepalese Hindus and their traditions. I am an Indian Hindu and I just recently learned about Hinduism Today magazine. I hope I’ll glean more about Hinduism worldwide through this magazine in the future.

Harshit Srivastava


Testimony on Satsang 

The very well written article “How Satsang Made Me a Strong Hindu” (Oct/Nov/Dec 2020) reflects the thoughts of many Hindus. Kudos to the writer for being so humble

 Sapna Kumaraswamy


Paramahansa Yogananda 

Thank you for the excellent synopsis of the life and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. It shows many years of research, which has been beautifully expressed here. 

 Rajiv Prasad


Diffusing Eternal Wisdom­—Even Amid Changing Times

On this page in previous issues our publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami explained how modern trends are challenging the economics of the publishing industry. Below, he delineates two more major trends that make Hinduism Today especially pertinent at this time, and worthy of your support.­

As the world continues to change­— faster and faster, it seems—our magazine needs to adapt also. There are two important contemporary trends that we are paying special attention to in order to stay ever vital and relevant.

One of them is the marked tendency among Hindus today, and especially the youth, to turn away from traditional religion in favor of self-assembled beliefs and practices. In articles we have published, many Indian and Nepali youth declare themselves “spiritual but not religious,” preferring group meditations to temple worship, for instance. The late and distinguished Ram Swarup said insightfully, “Hinduism resides in all seeking hearts and, whenever one’s seeking for God becomes spiritual, Hinduism automatically blooms. How could a man’s innermost truth be kept away from him? And for how long?” Hinduism Today’s articles on Sanatana Dharma’s profound spirituality existing within oneself can provide useful guidance to sincere seekers as they discover in their own soul-searching that they hold the core Hindu beliefs in karma, reincarnation and all-pervasive Divinity. 

Another major trend among Hindus is an aversion to daily practice. In our October/November/December 2021 issue, Amar Shah, Hindu Chaplain at Northwestern University, wrote, “Practice what you post!” He explains that “sadhanas are manifold and multifaceted to suit our innumerable personalities: puja, japa, dhyana (meditation) and svadhyaya (self-study) are a few that come to mind. As my guru has so nicely put it–the array of Hindu sadhana is like a buffet! Just as South Indians will naturally gravitate toward fresh idli, and Northerners will eye the paneer-laden gravies, we all have natural compatibility with different sadhanas. With such a variety available, we must pick up at least one practice, sharpen ourselves, and speak from the depths of self-experience.” 

Here again, Hinduism Today is helpful. It illuminates a variety of practices and complements them with personal testimonies by devotees who have found them meaningful. 

You can help fortify Hinduism Today‘s finances so that it will, even in these changing times, dynamically continue to be Hinduism’s strong, clear voice here: donate.himalayanacademy.com.

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