Himalayan Academy Publications, now in its 46th year, has amassed an enormous archive of digital imagery. For decades the monks have photographed, scanned, collected, invented, designed, bartered and exchanged Hindu art. Working with gifted artists from India, Bali, Malaysia and anywhere talent could be found, we assembled a treasure-trove of traditional spiritual paintings and imagery. We are proud to release two royalty-free treasure chests of Hindu graphics. These resources will empower parents, teachers, web designers and communicators in passing on the great Sanatana Dharma to the next generation.

The Hindu Art DVD has an astonishing 4,800 images depicting Hinduism in all its glory and nuances. In this collection one finds art and illustrations of Gods, scripture, temples, beliefs, traditions, karma, dharma, saints, yoga and art created for children. Artists bring the Vedas, the Puranas and the Holy Kural to life with hundreds of beautiful paintings, Indian-style borders, motifs and clip art; the ten Avatars of Vishnu; the all-encompassing Pradosha Siva; Shanmugan mounting lightning-fast Mayil; the yamas and niyamas; ashtanga yoga for children and much more–all for just $149.95.

Lord Ganesha plays a special role in this collection. An impressive 1,008 images of the much beloved one-tusked God can be found in the Hindu Art DVD. For those who would like to have just these images of Lord Ganesha, they are available as a single collection on a smaller, separate DVD called 1,008 Ganeshas for $49.95.

This royalty-free art is comprised of mostly mid-resolution files for e-mails, news bulletins, small publications, web pages, computer graphics or just for your home shrine. Over 1,000 images are high resolution, suitable for print production.

For more information and to order, see: http:/www.hinduart.org/art [http:/www.hinduart.org/art/].