Quotes & Quips


Priyanka Banerjee,20, of Calcutta, telling how she got inspired with Hinduism two years ago
and wants to visit major pilgrimage sites"

No, my name is Shamita. That's my name. If I wanted my name to be Sha, I'd call myself Sha. Professor and women's activist Shamita Das Dasgupta, sharing her response whenever she tells her name to non-Hindus and they say, 'Oh, can I call you Mita?' or 'Can I call you Sha?'


The success rate would be at least as good as it is when you pick for yourself. American Hollywood actress Sharon Stone, speaking in USA magazine about how she supports arranged marriages.

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

You find many hi-tech professionals visiting temples, instead of pubs, after they finish work. Architect V. Narasimhan telling about the atmosphere in Bangalore, in a recent Newsweek magazine article about some of the hottest hi-tech cities in world.

Looking for a fresh, honest approach to servicing your vehicles? Then you're ready for KarmaKanic. A newspaper advertisement for a California auto repair service.

The persons and events in this production are fictitious. No similarity to actual persons, living, dead or reincarnated is intended or should be inferred. Disclaimer made by producers of the life-after-death movie, "What Dreams May Come."

To do that which ought not to be done will bring ruin. Not to do that which ought to be done will also bring ruin. Tirukural, verse 466.

Christianity as a whole lacks an internal dimension which has turned it into a political movement to conquer the world for its belief, rather than a spiritual practice. That's why people in the West routinely go to Hindu and Buddhist teachers to learn about meditation and higher levels of
consciousness that Christianity never taught them. Western-born Vedic scholar Vamadeva Shastri, commenting on
denigrating remarks toward Hinduism made by Fr. Francis D'Britto in The Examiner newspaper, Mumbai.



Despite ancient concerns about possibly losing caste from crossing the sea, history reveals India was the foremost maritime nation 2,000 years ago (meanwhile, Europeans were still figuring out the Mediterranean Sea). It had colonies in Cambodia, Java, Sumatra, Japan, China, Arabia, Egypt and more. Through Persians and Arabs, India traded with the Roman Empire. The Sanskrit text, Yukti Kalpa Taru, explains how to build ships, such as the one above depicted in the Ajanta Caves. It gives minute details about ship types, sizes and materials, including suitability of different types of wood. The treatise also elaborately explains how to decorate and furnish ships so they're comfortable for passengers.

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