Letters to the Editor 7-2018

Grand Chakra Journey

I immensely enjoyed reading your article, “Our Grand Chakra Journey” (HINDUISM TODAY, April/May/June, 2018). I find a stunning similarity between the chakra concept of Hinduism, which was conceived by our sages thousands of years ago, and “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” which was presented by Abraham Maslow much later, in 1943.



Empty Nest Syndrome

Like Vatsala and Prabhakar Joshi, my husband and I never experienced an empty nest syndrome—we’ve been too busy teaching!

From the time we retired we have been actively involved in teaching “The Vedic Heritage Teaching Program” to school kids. The weekends are heavy with classes, and weekdays are spent preparing lessons and activities for the children. Over the last 16 years we have managed to teach hundreds of students. The ages range from 7 to 16 years. Ours is a ten-year program. The students start from level one and progress to level four; many have completed the ten-year syllabus. We have also been involved in training teachers for this program. Six of them have successfully completed training and started classes in their areas.

Our children and grandchildren live away from us and, we keep in contact. We find our retirement days are very fruitful—the service we do is rewarding. Parents and students are very appreciative of this program.



Hindus Have a New Year?

The new Hindu generation considers January 1st as the Hindu New Year. Like many other nations and religions, Hindus do have a New Samvat (New Year). Perhaps the Samvat is the oldest among all the New Years available on earth. The Samvat is ahead of the Christian New Year by 57 years. To appease other religions, the Indian government did not approve the suggestion of the calendar committee, which recommended the Samvat as India’s calendar. Now the Modi government has started talking and celebrating Hindu festivals. For the first time after independence I heard the media say, “Makar Sakranti and Uttarayan.” For the first time the Samvat 2075 will be celebrated officially in many states.



Leaving Breadcrumbs

I have been a subscriber to your print edition for well over 10 years. I find it to be the most well produced and beautiful magazine I have ever read, as well as being the most interesting and informative about the beautiful Santana Dharma. For this reason, I continue to subscribe to your print edition so that I can leave it behind at airports, on planes, trains and cars. This is my small Western way of spreading the way of life that has been of immense value to me in living mine.



Welcome Home

We just arrived home from our journey to India to find the April/May/Jun, 2018 edition of HINDUISM TODAY on my desk with my article, “A Grand Chakra Journey” in it illustrated with my paintings! A very pleasant surprise! It is public now. And it had to pass a lot of tests, where you were the final one. It was truly an honor to work with you.



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Keeping the Vision Alive for Us All

How one devotee and HINDUISM TODAY help each other

When she was a little girl growing up in Los Angeles, Nori Muster would peruse her mother’s yoga books and let her imagination soar. “I felt at home there, among the yogis, and gurus and Gods­­—a closeness that has stayed with me ever since.”

By the time Nori was a teenager, the roaring 1960s had come into full swing. “It was a time of amazing energy,” she explains. “It seemed the whole world was swept up in a vision of hope, peace and brotherly love. We were sure a wonderful new era was at hand. Everyone was looking toward India, suddenly. The yogis, gurus and Gods of my younger years came right into our peace marches and protests and festivals. As we know now, some of the promise of that time did not materialize. But the best part of it did remain and is still alive today. Certainly the Gods have taken permanent residence everywhere, including within me.”

After two pilgrimages to India and a long association with a Hindu-based group, she was keen to share what she had learned­—and she has done so ever since. She has authored books, worked with the young, the poor, the depressed, the troubled. “I have really just wanted to serve the Gods and pass on the lessons of my journey and experience.” Today Nori teaches at Mesa Community College in Arizona.

“Since the mid-80s, HINDUISM TODAY has been my constant supporter. It encompasses the whole of this amazing culture, the philosophy, puja, the trends, issues of the day, environment, vegetarianism. It covers all that we should know and understand. It keeps the vision alive for us all, reminding us regularly of why we are here on Earth and who we are and are not. It has helped sustain me nearly my whole life, and I enjoy supporting it in return.” Nori does support the magazine generously, through advertising (see pg. 80 of any issue), introducing the magazine to bookstores, and especially through donating to the HINDUISM TODAY Production Fund.

Like Nori Muster, you too can help HINDUISM TODAY “keep the vision alive for us all.” Donate to the HINDUISM TODAY Production Fund at: www.hheonline.org/donate/pf. Read about the fund at: www.hheonline.org/productionfund, or contact us at: 1-888-464-1008 •

NORI MUSTER: “I try to help people touch into a sound philosophy that can sustain them, even if for just a moment.”

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