Montreal Temple Nourishing All

Open Attitudes Encompass Diverse Community Needs The Hindu Mission of Canada has established its temple in…

Reflections From Moscow

Sometime in the 1930's two elderly German matrons set sail for India in search of Truth,…

Healing Emotions with Flowers

"Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between Soul and Mind, and will never be…

Violence is Not Hindu Dharma

I was in India during the election time. People asked me about the Ramjanmabhoomi controversy in…

A Peace of Our Mind

Eastern Europe's extraordinary events of the past few months have thrown into sharp relief some great…

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Hinduism Today® Magazine is a nonprofit educational activity of Himalayan Academy with the following purposes: 1. To foster
Hindu solidarity as a unity in diversity among all sects and lineages; 2. To inform and inspire Hindus worldwide and people interested in Hinduism; 3. To dispel myths, illusions and misinformation about Hinduism; 4. To protect, preserve and promote the sacred Vedas and the Hindu religion; 5. To nurture and monitor the ongoing spiritual Hindu renaissance; 6. To publish a resource for Hindu leaders and educators who promote Sanatana Dharma.

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India’s Great Spiritual General Written by Swami Advayananda, Brahmacharini Taarini Chaitanya &…

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