September 1997

Malaysia’s Everest Quest

Interviews by RAMESH SIVANATHAN and RAJAKUMAR M ANICKAM, Malaysia Thank God! Thank God!’ was the first thing I said when […]

Hunting for God

By Lavina Melwani Where would you find Siva lost in samadhi, Krishna playing His flute and Ganesha feasting on sweets?

Briefly . . .

AUSTRALIA'S PRIME MINISTER, Mr. John Howard, opened consecration ceremonies at the Mandir Society of Australia's Maha Kumbhabhishekam for the Sri

Pious Precussionists

The complex rhythmic orchestral music of Bali rivals the best of classical traditions East or West. Played jn temples for

Temple Ablaze

While pilgrimaging to the temples of South India, Hinduism Today Deputy Managing Editor, Yogi Kashinatha, was present June 7, 1997,

A Saint’s Self-Willed Death

By CHQODIE SHIVARAM, BANGALORE Dear friends,” began Swami Nirmalananda’s short missive of December 23, 1996, “It is with tearful feelings

Stevia Rebaudiana: How Sweet It Is!

By Devananda Tandavan Stevia Rebaudiana has has been growing wild in upper South America for centuries and is now cultivated

Italy’s Hindu Controversy

We have to overcome a misunderstanding asserted by Italian scholars that one has to be born in India to be

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